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Jungkook's pov;

I stayed quiet as his message sounded as if it was written by a angry teen who tried to tell his mom it was not a phase.
I giggled a bit. It was too late to talk back to i went to sleep just thinking about how bad of an idea it was to give him my number.

~several hours later~

I woke up and boiled myself some cheap packed ramen.
Having nothing else to eat gives me the nerve to just run down and buy food but to be honest.....I dont want to.
I took my plate and began to eat looking around the house and realized how much of a mess i made with my friends 2 days before.
I sighed and began to eat a little quicker just shoving food into my face to then put the plate in the kitchen. I looked around not knowing where to start but i guess after a while i just started with something.

A few hours passed and i was in the kitchen doing a huge cleanup from the fridge to the bottom of the stove.
I looked around and i felt a little proud with myself.
I picked up the two huge garbage bags i had and threw them on my arms as i opened the slightly already open door with my foot.

I walked out with no struggle with keys in pocket and door locked i began walking downstairs. I was able to hold both of the huge bags on my back and people looked at me confused or in shock.

I was almost down the stairs when i see a familiar face
I see yoongi...He was walking up beside me and after a few seconds he turned back around and walked down next to me.

He slightly turned his head to look at my face which made me heat up.

"Kid?" He said ignorantly, i dont know why but it pisses me off that he acts like hes so much older than me to which i then replied with a sarcastic "yoongi?" He stayed quiet and then looked at me for a minute "what are you doing here?" He said.
"I live here.... What are YOU doing here" i replied. "Looking for my friend Taehyung- do you need help"
I looked down having a font memory of the name. Taehyung was my friendly yet quiet neighbor, will yoongi pass by very often to see taehyung??? If so im screwed.
"hellooooo" yoongi said waving which popped my train of thought
"Dont need help? Ok whatever..." I stayed quiet as he walked away. I walked down and proceeded to putting the garbage outside.

Yoongi's pov;

He had a tendency to be sarcastic around me. It pissed me off...i walked upstairs. That kid who in my brain doesn't even have a name is everywhere, goddamn this world is small... I knocked on taehyungs door and he opened looking tired. He gave me a fist bump and he opened his mouth revealing his usually deep voice.

"Hey... Saw u talking to jungkook- who is he to you? A friend???"
He asked seriously. Jungkook? "Who the hell is jungkook???" I asked as i came in and he closed the door
"Jungkook is the boy you attempted to help with his bags outside" he said as i went pale(r)
"so thats his name...." I had his number and as of now knew where he lived but didnt know a name. Egh i guess it doesnt matter that much, it not really like i need to know it anywhere in the future... "oh yeah, hes a bit annoying and sarcastic... I swear one if these days his annoying ass is gonna come to my house singing jingle bells" i said sarcastically as Taehyung laughed. "maybe so? Send me a video if he does" He said as he sipped some water im assuming not looking into the cup.

Me and taehyung talked while he brushed his bangs down with his fingers. "you haven't been this mad at a guy since your last crush" Taehyung joked raising his eyebrows. My face felt heated as I remembered the guy and realized what he meant "oh dont tell me u think he's cute too-" Taehyung said sarcastically. "Too? As if dude. Speaks one who looks on twitter for dudes as a hobby" "damn ok dont get offended." Taehyung replied after me.

A silent while and eye contact before three knocks were placed on the door as me and tae tae looked at each other with an eyebrow raised.

Jungkook's pov;

I went home thinking on how yoongi was hanging out with Taehyung of all people but i decided i should just cook to calm myself.
I started to prepare then realized i had no butter.... I released a sigh... i always went to taehyung but i knew i shouldnt have.. yoongi was there now. i grit as i looked around going to my neighbor on the left. She was kind but had no butter i kept asking and my only option was Taehyungs house next.
I walked out carrying all my courage as i knocked 3 times like usual... It was a type of recognition code for us.

He takes a while but i hear scattering footsteps. I begin to ruffle my hair in panic and he opens finally, "hey jungkook.... What do you want?" He asked as his eyebrows began to raise as he knew exactly what i wanted yet wanted me to be vocal, i dont know why but i couldnt bring myself to look at his face while. I felt embarrassed..
"Um... Well i was going to ask for butter-" he laughed cutting me off "i kneew it, come inside" he said letting go of the heavy serious tone and sounding playful, i panicked and looked back but yet managed to go in. He locks the door and pushes me inside to the kitchen.
The door was already open so i take the butter and give it to him but before i could the door gets slammed by someone,yoongi who managed a questionable look at me.
He glared and i did a small wave. Taehyung gets a butter knife as he whispers something to yoongi to which yoongi cracked up and omg you dont even understand.
His laugh.... It was perfect. His smile fit his face and it was cutely gummy and i smiled. "What are you smiling at?" Yoongi asked making my smile fade "im sorry i just... Smile when im nervous" i said and god im happy they believed me.

Im walking out and i feel a tight grip on my wrist. "Stay... We're ordering pizza..." A deep voice says to me. Taehyung removed yoongis hand of my wrist and gave me a sweet bean smile "only if you want to tho"

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