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Jungkooks pov;

"OW FUCK!" I heard a scream after a thud. I woke up in panic at 5:00 am falling off the couch and hurrying to get upstairs to yoongis room.
I come in and bust open scaring the living shit out of him and thats when i saw his teary eyes. "What the hell happened here?" I asked out as he whimpered. "I-i stepped on my ankle and ....it h-hurts" he said while shivering and staring down at his knee as the tears rolled down his cheeks. All i saw was half of his face which was a red and glossy from tears.
I sucked my teeth as i shook my head and went on my knees to help him out, "move your hands let me se-" i just gasped. It was swollen and i had no idea what to do. "What the fuck!? How did it get like this!" I asked as all i did was make him worry more, "i-i dont know i just forgot and tried to get up for a second time to.... To check if you were ok-" he looked up at me with his eyes watering.
I pouted as i looked at him, "yoongi you didnt have to do that." I said as i got up from my one knee and walked down stairs. "Call me on camera or something if anything. I'll be back really quick." I said as i ran down the stairs. "BY THE WAY GET SOME STAKE OR ANY TYPE OF MEAT ON YOUR WAY HERE! EVEN IF I DIE!" he shouted as i giggled and walked out.

Yoongi's pov;

I sat in my room in pain as all i could do was just stay on the floor. How pathetic. Im a 25 yr old man being taken care of by someone who's 21... its bothersome even- im supposed to be the older one-
I stayed there for about an hour and a half which is just an exaggeration but it was long.

Jungkook's pov;
I went out and began to get all types of medicine for yoongis ankle like it was his last day alive. I didnt have a car so there was no way i couldve gotten him to the hospital so i took the things and waited impatiently on line. I couldnt wait anymore so i eventually got the the front and excused myself afterward.
I was walking back and remembered yoongi wanted stake, ugh fuck.
Where the fuck was i gonna get stake? I looked around and remembered he said any type of meat so i went to the usual lamb skewers place and took about 4, i loved them and i hoped yoongi would too. I took them and began to run to yoongis house.
All i thought was 'what if hes in pain? He's probably hurt' i ran and took out the keys he gave me and i fiddled with them in attempt to find the right key but panicked and couldnt."fuck fuck fuck cmon!" I open the door and i slam it as i run upstairs. "YOONGI IM BACK!!!" i screamed out as i ran up the stairs. "How are you-" "HAHAHA HOLY SHIT HE STEPPED ON HIS NECK!" he yelled out while laughing cutting me off. He looked just fine
I sighed in relief and put the stuff down on the couch looked at him for a bit. I didnt want to disturb this.... His laugh was just wholesome, made my morning better.
"Yoongi.... You know you eventually have to get up right?" I said causing him to look at me. "Oh right." He put a hand out and i helped him and he sat in his bed. "Ok so two questions... What type of meat did u get? I don't smell stake. And two um.... Can u stay here with me? Im kind of just a bit paranoid and have no idea what to do." He kind of shrugged and looked down. "If u cant or dont want to you dont have to" he said softly.
Yoongis been awfully soft and nice these few days. I wouldnt want to mess that up.
"Yes sure. If you want i can stay here all week to help you heal.... I would just have to fix my apartment plus get some clothes and then come back if so. Would u like that?" I said with a smile "yes! Great! What about the meat tho?" He said cutting me off. "O-oh right. Well... I love this and if you dont its ok i brought" "LAMB SKEWERS!? OMG YES YES YES" he screamed out cutting me off once again. "Dude this is great! I... I love lamb skewers and mmm-ya know?" He began to eat and talk which to me was not disgusting but rather hilarious.

~few hours later~
Yoongi fell asleep at about 5 pm after us staying awake at 5am. He fell asleep with his head on my lap as i touched and played with his hair. I cant believe someone so "mean" like yoongi was like this till yesterday. He loved lamb skewers, and def loved the top of trains, and hes sensitive and caring and fucking cries for hours nonstop. Hes technically soft but doesnt want to show it.

Im about to leave his bed and i get dragged in.
I inhale a bit and look back to see yoongi with his eyes half open as he pulls me my the back part of my shirt. "You can sleep here.... I have a lot of space" he said as he scooted to the back leaving me space on his almost full sized bed. In between a twin and queen. He scoots over and as i lay down i feel that the area he layed in was warm. I smiled a bit as i never expected to be able to sleep with him, its kind of rude to say but im happy that im here when hes hurt, i have the chance to finally help him now.

I layed down and kind of just looked at him as he went back to sleep, i placed my fingers on his forehead and held back his bangs as i placed a small kiss on it. "This is what you do when people sleep?" he tiredly said with a lazy smile. "O-oh youre up! Um nono i just..." He placed a finger on my lips and closed his eyes. "Shhh. Im tired." He said raspily. I smiled and turned around giving my back to him.
Im about to sleep when i feel something warm go over my waist and it was his leg.
I giggled softly since i wasnt expecting him to be THIS type of sleeper.
I went to sleep anyways as his leg was on me and his arms aswell. It was a nice feeling of warmth that i felt. Something i dont feel often. Love.

(This is a fill in. And thats kinda what its gonna be for a few chaps but it will still be good dont get me wrong! Its just gonna be.... Ehhh :0)

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