
44 11 1

Countdown: 8 days left

(short-ish chap I'm sorry.)

Jungkooks pov;

I slept like a baby. Good dreams filled my heads and I actually haven't had good dreams in a long time actually.
     So this kind of surprised me.

Whenever I make wishes I keep them to myself. I know it is childish but I think if I tell out the wish it will not come true.
I was too much of a believer I guess.

My dream was nice and it felt like cotton candy. Soft.
And best part.
It was about yoongi and i finally being able to have what i always wanted.

I felt stupid just thinking about it. I felt like when I was 9 and id go to my mom's room to tell her how amazing my dream was and how I flew into space.
Haha, good memories.
I woke up and felt a little weird so I'm thinking showering may help.
I get out of the shower still feeling really weird as if I was missing something.
I shrugged it off but it was a little frustrating trying to find out what it was.
I began to eat cereal and almost choke on my milk as the realization kicked in...
I didn't talk to yoongi all day...
Thats is really odd... I mean I didn't have my phone on me... I just ignored my phone and now Im wondering if he texted me.
Probably not but...I still felt eager to go and check.
I walk up the stairs as I began thinking of the possibilities that I was probably wrong and he didn't text at all...
I pick up my phone from my bed as I threw myself on the puffy mattress.
I bounced a bit before finally turning around having my stomach on the bed as I kicked my feet and looked through the messages.

I was right... No messages.

I sigh in sudden disappointment as my feet stop kicking and I turn myself with my back on the mattress and my phone on my chest.
"Hmph... I mean it wasn't gonna happen anyways...." I thought to myself sighing.

Bling bling bling bling

Almost a billion messages began to blow up my phone. I gasped a bit picking it up turning back down to my stomach. I kicked my feet in excitement and joy. I turn on my phone and gasp a little as i smile.
Yoongi was blowing up my phone insanely. I was surprised.
I smile a bit as i begin to skim through the messages.
They were old messages how did i not see them? They were from yesterday night.

Yoongi: yah... Jungkook so ive been meaning to tell you something about yesterday...  And uh I should really give u back ur hoodies right?
Received at 10:00pm

Yoongiyo! Cmon answer me im bored!
Received at 10:56pm

Yoongihey jungkook are you up? I wanna tell you something.
Received at 11:23pm

Yoongi: jungkook so i know ur not awake probably but um... I just wanted to tell u uh... Call me later on... Thanks ig.
Received at 1:32am

I slightly grit regretfully thinking on how to reply and then a thought came into my head.
Did he really stay up till 1:32 am to text me?
It was weird and pleasing to think of such a thing.

Jungkook: hey yoongi im sorry... I knocked out really quick yesterday and dont worry! You can keep the hoodies.
They were my favorites ㅠ ㅠ
but on the brightside they will look amazing on you. Tell me when i should call you i dont wanna interrupt.
Delivered at 3:15pm

I gulp as the message was seen only 3 seconds after it sent and i begin to get a call from him instead.
I know i always describe this type of call as the best call but yoongi facetimed instead of regular call.
I panic a bit fixing my hair and rubbing my eyes before answering and when i answer a little giggle escapes his mouth.
"What?" I said confused and he giggled a little more.
"Jungkook its only been a day since I've seen you. How did you go to hell and heaven plus come back..." He said scratching his head and i tilted mine.
"Im confused what do you mean.-" i asked and he sighed.
"Jungkook you flipped your hair incorrectly try looking less at the camera and more on your own face-" he said chuckling. "Oh- i didnt even realize." I said as my cheeks turn red and i pull my hair down. My hair had just one piece up in the air like a cowlick. It was weird and i have no idea how i didnt notice it.
Minutes became hours and i was even able to eat a whole 4 cups of ramen while speaking to him. The call lasted over 4 hours and neither one of us realized.
"So yoongi hyung... What were you gonna tell me yesterday? Ive been thinking eagerly and i wanna find out!" I said as my bunny smile quickly appeared after.
I saw him get nervous and i just tilted my head and pursed my lips inward.
"Yoongi hyung are you ok?" I said softly and he chuckled.
"Yea i just feel what i need to tell you shouldnt be on call ya know... Is it ok if i tell you nextime?" He said softly and i smiled.
"Yes yoongi hyung its fine. I mean you can tell me when youre ready..."i said laying my head onto my arm. He did the same and he began to look sleepy and we talked and he began to sound more like he half awake than actually alive.
"Yoongi hyung.... You can go to sleep if you want to you dont have to stay on call with me ya know." I said softly and nicely and he giggled and his gummy smile made an appearance on my screen. It made me smile back and he began to speak in the softest voice ever and i couldnt help but stare in pure awe.

"Jungkook id rather die than go to sleep and miss these last few minutes of seeing your face before i shut down... Im fine-"

I awed and smiled widely as my heart warmed up.
His attempts were nice but he was so tired his speech became inaudible at one point were it became cute soft mumbles which i giggled to.
I sighed a bit as i saw him begin to rest his eyes as his head layed upon his pillow. I thought i should hang up and once my finger slowly approached the button he pouted. "Yaaaahhhh dont leave me-" he said softly and i smiled and sighed staying longer.
Our call was approximately 5 hours and about 33 minutes.
He was falling asleep once again but i stead of hanging up i did what i was best at. Two of the things i was best at.

I began to draw and sing for him. He needed his sleep and i needed my inspiration.

As his breathing was slow and his eyes shut i began to sing a soft song. A song which was very popular for me.

The songs name was if you by big bang... I used to sing this song for school auditions and id listen to it to help me relax and i wanted him to sleep well and dream better than i did.
As the soft lyrics rolled off my lips he hummed along to my singing and i smiled.
I keep singing as i begin to look more inlove by the second. The lyrics were getting to me and i mean... They were perfect.

(Jungkook finished his art and song. Yoongi finished his struggle of sleep and well technically i just finished this chapter. Till next time)

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