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~ a whole boring week later~

Its been a whole week since ive heard of or even seen yoongi. Hes been ignoring me. Its supposed to go the other way around but i dont care. Ive been hanging out with taehyung lately and haha he looks like an idol with his amazing sense of style.
I was on my phone in an empty apartment which smelled like new candles. I was ready for christmas- but sadly yoongi wont be there im assuming..... He won't be there i know...he won't but this hurts me how fast things can come and go.
I didnt understand why he didnt answer messages or even calls.
I didnt do anything! Its all his fault--
I sigh at the thoughts that were kicking in. 'Who knows what goes on in his hea- Taehyung!' I thought as a smile filled my face. I got my black hoodie and put on my fake glasses and walked over to taehyungs house and knocked once, then Twice and before i could place the third knock the door swung open.

"Hey tae tae, you home?" I asked as i looked around, his house looked different.... More fancy and styled i suppose.... I hear a females voice in the living room as i walk down there. To see taehyung in a chair getting his makeup done by this rather gorgeous stylist. "Its amazing sir! Its perfect for the-" she got cut off by taehyungs finger as his eyes widened when he looked at me. "Jungkookie!!!! Heyyy'" he said with a smile. The stylist backed up a bit as he stood up and speed walked over to hug me. I hug back with no hesitation and he goes back to sit down.

"So um... I have a few questions about yoongi-" "aishhh he doesnt wanna hear a single peep about you" he said as he gritted his teeth. "Why not? Hes the one whos being rude!" I said and he shushed me to speak to his stylist. "How do i look?" He said cockily and she replied with "amazing! And youre nose just looks scrumptious" she said making a small biting motion which made taehyung smile at her.

She was really pretty if i had to be honest. She was slightly tanned with short shoulder length curly brown hair and big brown eyes.
She was clearly not korean she looked like a hispanic girl. She was adorable tho, she began to tear up whenever taehyung smiled or even slightly pinched her cheek.
He treated her like a sister while she obviously wanted to be treated like something else. But its not my business haha.
"Can i please take a picture with you tae tae?" She asked with a soft fangirlish voice. "Mhm! " he said pulling her down to his lap and she completely turned red. "O-oh my lord...." She blushed at kind of panicked as if she was in disbelief. "Um hehe cheese" she said smiling as taehyung did his signature v shaped peace sign which id didnt get yet. After a few seconds of taehyung flirting with her he finally waved goodbye and she waved at me and smiled akwardly.
"Bye azzy~- soo jungkook you were saying?" He asked as i carried on speaking. "About yoongi... Why does he not wanna talk-" i asked as i fixed my glasses with my finger.

"Ok so the text reads... Uuuuuhhhhmmmmm alright here it is! 'Dont you dare even squeal another word about that kid... Hes a real pain, hes just rude bcuz i dont like him back'" he says mocking yoongi with a deep raspy voice. my eyes widen and i shake my head "is this guy for real?! He ignored all my messages and calls and decides to say im rude! Tsk-" i said and taehyung put his hand on my shoulder.
"Just leave him for a bit, stop trying to get with him... Better people exist jungkookie.... And-" he looks over at this watch and his face goes pale" OH CRAP I HAVE TO GO TO THE AUDITIONS-im sorry kookie i got to go! We can talk more later at 3" He said in a hurry as he ran out and i followed. He gave me a hug and walked off..... 'Hes right. Im too good for him hes not that good anyways! Heh....' I thought while putting my hoodie on.

This was stressful for me... I mean my house was clean and everythings good i just need to prepare christmas gifts for the next 1 and a half weeks. I was just stressed and i mean coffee always helps with that. Always.

~At the cooffee shop~

I go in at the place & its full with only one empty table left.
I sit there and take a sweet coffee as i put my hoodie on. All of this coffee just relaxed me and made me think about a lot of things.
The bitter sweet smell of coffee filled my body and mind as i began to think about yoongis happy moments?
Agh fuck why HIM of all people? I began to hallucinate seeing his face in even my coffe making me push it a lil. Im insane,My mug almost fell due to how hard i pushed it and god i was crazy. I saw yoongi push the mu- Yoongi?!? Wait hold the fuck up. I take the mug saying thank you and then thats when it hit me.
"Be careful" he said going to the table behind me. And i just stayed wide eyed thinking. Right when im getting over him he appears once again in his cute blue baggy hoodie and ripped jeans.

Yoongis pov;

I walk by to the coffee shop feeling stressed, ive been thinking on my anger and music and i see a really cute guy in a black hoodie with glasses push his mug in disgust. When i help him with it my eyes widen... That cute guy wasnt any 'cute guy'... It was jungkook... Fuck- i shake it off with a "be careful" just turning around to not look at him again. I don't hate him... I really dont there is just so much happening. I felt adrenalin rush through my veins as i just thought on my next action and it came to me and i acted upon it.
I walk to his table and slightly put my head down respectfully , "is the seat taken?" I ask with a very serious and tired voice, "y-yea you can-i mean... no its not" he said as he looked down at his mug nervously. I sat in the chair infront of him as he pouted and pulled his hoodie strings. "Jungkook.... Whats been going on with you?" I ask as he seemed to have gotten offended since he took off the glasses and leaned forward. "Whats wrong with ME?" he asked.
"Yah nevermind then-" i said. Jungkook always seemed pissy or tried to start an argument. Not me tho. He swallowed down just huffing.
"Hm... Um so... What type of coffee did you get?" He asked.

Jungkooks pov;

"Black coffee." He said raspily before taking another sip.
"Um... So" "hachu!" Yoongi sneezed and a small "bless you" left my lips and he said "ok..."
He was too quiet and serious. And yet i dont know what i did. Its not like im the reason for all of this right? He was rude all i did was respond.
"Listen... Whats been up with you? Youve been distant and ignorant." As those words left my mouth the words "Distant" and "ignorant" went in slow motion for him since all he did was furrow his eyebrows in shock and anger. "what so you mean IVE been DISTANT AND IGNORANT!?" You left and sobbed after i made a slight joke about love and then you ignored AND IM STILL THE DISTANT AND IGNORANT ONE!" He said as he stood up and made a scene. I just stared. Yoongi sat down bowing to apologize to the other customers. He looked not angry but sad. "Jungkook i warned you but youre a brat and you dont listen." I sipped my coffee in pure frustration. " i havent been distant im just expecting for you to call first and apologize. Because i know youre wrong.." I said putting my glasses on and bitchily raising my shoulders. "Jungkook..." He said raspily making eye contact with me. "Jungkook theres a lot going on and you have to take it into consideration. Youre just thinking about what you feel and thats it-" "YOU TOO you dont give a shit about giving mixed signals and even making me feel loved, you just care about the heat of the moment and thats it." I replied and he groaned. "Yah shut up im speaking." He said with a snarl and my nose scrunched up. "What im saying is youre too eager for something new and im not! I have problems of my own that you wouldnt understand ... my world doesn't and will never revolve around you Jungkook i have lots having to do with christmas, love and... Family-" he said as he sniffled and looked down. What about his family is it that makes him so sad with Christmas.... "Hey... Just i get it fine." "thats the same shit you said last time and you got mad when i told u that i didnt like you again...." he said looking over to the right in frustration.
"I'll.... I'll be going, im busy today.. And by the way get ready for the christmas party..... Its in almost about 12 days..." I said with a bitchy tone i didnt intend to put which made him smirk a lil with a chuckle and i just walked away like a girl.
Its still only 12:40 as of right now ill just wait for taehyung till 3 and i can have a little chat.

(Filler warning! This was really bad but agh im sorry! The stylist azzy was based off my friend ziyah27 :) so yeah... Next chapters will be better i swear)

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