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Jungkook's pov;

It was 3pm and i felt like nothing happened earlier with yoongi. I tried to ignore it but everytime family comes into the matter, he gets sad.
I was walking to taheyungs house and as i was about to knock i see him come from behind me to open the door. "Welcome" he said softly and teasingly. "Pfft ok" i replied.
We walk inside to his living room and he plops down and looks at me. "I know you have questions... Go ahead." He asked while trying to tie his bangs up. "So.. Ahem..." I cleared my throat making him look at me with open eyes. "Y-yes go ahead i said." He replied by just putting his headband on.
"So... Ive gotten a realization that yoongi always talks about having personal problems with... Family. But never tells whats wrong with it and christmas- its like his family is the reason he hates christmas...." I said and he put a face that said as if he knew what was going on.
"He.... Never told you?" He asked with a small shocked look on his face.
"Told me what." I said in concern. "Oh this is gonna be hell of a story baby boy so get your blankets and pillows." He said face palming.

"What a min yoongi move aint it-" he said.

Last christmas;

Taehyung's pov;

It was christmas and i was gonna have a party with my friend yoongi and some other guys like jimin. Yoongi came over as i cooked a bit or just ordered since im not the best cook.
He was standing with me as we prepared the table. "Yo so are you bringing some family members, most people do i mean-" he said without making eye contact. "Pfft yea obviously who doesn't bring family for christmas?" I said and then realized what ive done. "Im... Im sorry yoongi i didnt mean-" "its fine" he said while twirling to me with his bright gummy smile. "Oh my god bro dont do that!" He said to me as i pouted. "Im really sorry i said" with a dramatic pose as i grasped my shirt from my chest. "theres no excuse for your actions!" He said catching on to my actions."OH NOOOO~" i said falling down to the ground to him catching me and looking me in the eyes and we laughed and and he let me fall he began to clap as he laughed.

"Yah! Cmon tae its christmas not a funeral. Be happy loser!" He said as he pulled me up. "Oh and you got beer right?" He said and i jumped in excitement. "Yes i did bro!" I said and he fist bumped me. I tried to hug him but he pushed me.
"Yah! Thats gay" he said laughing.
I dont know what he always had against gay people as he himself came out to me as we were friends for years at that point... but he always made that joke.
More people arrived and jimin began to flirt with yoongi and yoongi would stay unbothered by his actions.
I was a nice friend. And i knew it.
I took out my phone and began to look through my contacts and i saw the person u was looking for.

'Mr.Min (yoongis dad)'

And i began to ring him up with a smile filling my face.
Yoongi was probably forced to move away from his parents mostly his dad.
If he saw him on this perfect moment just one time it would make him happier for once.
I called and a deep voice filled the other line.
"Yes who is this i speak to?" The man answered. "Its... Its kim taehyung sir, yoongis friend, remember me?" I asked and he answerdd with "yea... Obviously i do... Hi Taehyung what do you want?" He asked in a confused tone.
"Its christmas and ya know... You havent seen your son since he was about 15-16 i think??" I said nervously. "No... Im not coming-" he said almost immediately after i paused.
"What?" I said in confusion
"I said... Im not going if thats what youre planning." I groaned a bit.
"Just please come atleast for some food or even to just meet with your best friend... My dad im meaning just come over-" i said trying to think of a way to reel him in. "Sure- fine." He said hanging up.
He really preferred his friend over his own son. Sheesh what a pain, i hope yoongi never ends up like that.

A few hours pass and im sitting with yoongi at the table as constant knocks were coming to the door. "Yah why are so many people coming?" He said with an eyebrow raised and a smile on his face. He looked adorable.
"I dont know man... Its called family haha" i said and he giggled.
He saw more plates of food being put down and he began to clap and laugh like a baby. "Oh my god yes, food!" He said as i giggled with him.
We began to eat and 4 knocks came to the door and i knew who it was and i opened in excitement.

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