Twenty Three

68 12 3

Countdown: 2 days left

Jungkooks pov;

A full day passed as the last seemed too boring.
I thought about yoongi over and over.
I thought about how when we first met he was as cold as ice and ive made it... Ive really finally made it to his core.
Hes become nicer since then....

Christmas is just in two days.... What a shame for many reasons...

1. Im not ready for it i have no idea how to prepare a party.... And other reasons.....

I layed in bed on social media like i always usually did.
My phone vibrated to which i see is a call from jin.
I thank god for not letting it have been on camera since i looked like a potato.
I inhale deeply and pick up.
"Hey kookie~" i heard from the other line.
I stared in confusion at the phone as the voice was unrecognizable.
"Hi?" I said with a questionable tone.
"Yah its namjoon-" joon replied to which i nodded at. "Oooh makes sense... Why do you have jinnies phone?" I asked to which he made a small humming sound to.
"You never answer my calls-" he said to which i covered my mouth at realizing i didnt even have his number with a name.
"Oh shit sorry hyung... What do you need?" I asked politely to which he inhaled.

"Um... Maybe this is too much to ask but... Can we please celebrate Christmas today?"
He asked softly to which i widened my eyes at.
"TODAY!??!" I asked rather loudly.
"Yah yah yah fucking relax! Listen its just... Tommorow and ill be out... I wont be able to arrive and neither will jin... So?"
He asked once again and i tugged my hair in stress...
"Joonie... What am i supposed to do?!" I asked nervously.
"Just invite your friend taehyung and pleaseee invite yoongi aswell-" he said and i sighed.
"What time and where do you want it to happen?" I asked to which he lowly and nervously chuckled at.
"What? Dont tell me-"

"its at your house.... Kookie kookie LISTEN so um... Jins house isnt available because of a mess that he has in it.... Theres gonna be a lot going on kook... So please cmon i swear ill pay you even! I beg-" he said kindly and i couldnt help but feel sympathetic..
"Ok hyung no need for payment... What time?" I asked and he quickly squealed at.

I found myself in the supermarket that i met yoongi in quite after to which i smiled widely at.
Yoongi may have been a dick but he was really dominant... I wonder what happened

I thought to myself laughing. I get a few things like eggs and stuff i needed to cook with.
Jin wasnt gonna arrive early meaning id have to cook alone.... Maybe i couldve just made something simple and atleast edible... I didnt have to exaggerate that much... Did i???

Before i leave i remember i needed soda... I walk towards the soda ile and memories flash in like a flood.

"You should probably go to the christmas iles since people are going crazy on the decoration-" "i dont to celebrate-"

I smiled then getting sprite for the one and only hoseok.
I bend down suddenly and look at the beers he got that day which were still there.

He really did change....

"Christmas is for people with family- i don't have it so nevermind it."

I always had that line carved in my brain.
I hope this year he will come with me and forget about his past... Just this year atleast.

I walk home just smiling to myself at the memories and how ive changed him throughout time.

As i walk in i see my apt and taehyungs right next to mine. havent seen him for a long ass time... I walk up the stairs and go to look over at his door. I sigh a bit before knocking.

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