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Yoongi's pov;

I wake up to the sound of my broken yet loud ass alarm which woke up jungkook leaving him to groan. I groan aswell and begin to crawl over him saying a few 'excuse me's on the way. He just sunk into the pillow as i turned off the alarm. I begin to stumble around sucking my teeth in pain as i try to walk out of my room picking up a few clothes ive left on the floor when i hear a raspy "where are you going?" Come from jungkook as i look over to him and he hugs the pillow laying his head on it.
"Im just going downstairs......" Jungkook pushed the pillow and sat up. "You cant go downstairs.... Your ankle..." He said raspily once again to which i groaned at. "What were you gonna do?" He asked scratching the back of his neck. "Juice." I said bluntly to which he stood up and ran downstairs. I wobbled to the bed and sat and thats when i heard a few quick steps come back up. "What type of juice?" He asked smiling. "Pfft orange-" "good!good! i knew that!" He said as he ran back upstairs.

~A handful of hours later~

Jungkooks pov;

I was in Yoongis room which is about 3 feet away from the bathroom and i hear the shower go off as he groans screaming things like "fuck my ankle! ow!" a few minutes pass and he begins to rap? I shouldve known—
It was really good... i think it was freestyle as ive never heard anything like it before. He would occasionally stop to mumble and then keep going as if me has made a song in the shower. Relatable tho... After he gets out of the shower he begins to walk over to his room without a shirt forgetting i was in there. i look up from my phone and i saw his pale shirtless body which had water dripping from it. I turned completely not trying to make him uncomfortable he turns to me flipping his soaked hair back. Agh fuck something about his eyes makes me fall harder. His eyes arent like most of the people ive meet and known. They were a special type... God he was beautiful, i cant imagine what id do without him, he make me feel a type of way.

I think throughout the whole thinking process i was staring because my train of thought got stopped once he began to wave his hand on my face. "Yah....are you ok? DUDE!!" he said as i looked up nervously." Yeah?" i said confused. "Nothing-" he said afterwards as he slipped on his shirt to his skinny body.

an hour passed and it was officially 6;00pm and i wasnt speaking and neither was he. I am usually like this but not torwards him. i was bored and he was aswell as we watched this wackass horror movie.

im in the kitchen while yoongi is in the living room groaning about how hungry he is.

I made food a little while ago and we ate silently till his phone rang alarming the both of us. I pick it up from my side of the couch and he without asking who it was he tells me to put it on speaker.
"Hey Yoongi! Whatcha doin" "TAEHYUNG!" Yoongi said as he quickly picked up the phone and smiled as he pressed facetime. I peeped over not wanting to interrupt so i went on my phone and began to play as i heard yoongi and taehyung yelling.

"Ah damn cmon!" I said as i played shooting games. "Whos that?" I heard taehyung say. "Oh its just.... Someone-"
Hold the fuck up-- Someone.
i guess thats all i am to him. "Whos someone" teahyung added. "Just jungkook chill-"
A few minutes pass of this and him laughing and he hangs up.
"Hey can we talk?" I said softly as i pulled on my hoodie. "Yea sure" he said as his smile faded. "So you know how its been these past few days with the train and the sleeping incident" "incidents??" He adds with a exaggerated confused tone. "I mean your leg was on mine and.... And- we literally made out in an alley or god but i mean whats going on" i said as i hugged my knees and looked over at him.
"Haha what the fuck? Nothing is really going on-" he said and i cut him off with a pouty look. "Oh cmon, ive said it before. Its lust and the sleeping thing... I sleep like that. Nothing more." "Really yoongi? Nothing??????" I ask as i pull my hoodies strings and he replies
"yea... Nothing... I dont get it you dont just kiss someone and think its love- like what? Haha i kissed my friends before just for the fun of it.." he said sarcastically and i stood quiet. "Okay okay..." I said softly as i turned to the tv and forced a smile.
I internally just couldnt deal with it. But i didnt want to get emotional so i grabbed my hoodies strings and pulled them tightly.
"What up with you? You act as if you liked me or something" he laughed and all i could do was stare in shock-
"Yoongi hyung are you serious right now? Do you really think i wouldve done all that for nothing?!" I huffed and he just laughed.
"So You helped because you wanted something in return.... You didnt wanna actually help did you?Like... at this point You need to relax. You act as if im breaking a marriage, there was no commitment here jungkook. So stop- if you didnt wanna help you didnt have to." he said with a serious look.
I had to think about my next action deeply as my face turned red and a lump formed in my throat.
I saw him and his ankle looked fine. He didnt need my help.

"Fine, there wasnt..... Get better y-yoongi hyung" i said then tearing up a bit without wanting to.
I open the door and close it as i try to wipe my tears but they flowed down to fast and it was uncontrollable. I keep hoping for love but cant find it. I try way too hard. I did want to help him i did... i do it because of love but—-

As i cried my face got cold while my tears felt as if they froze. As i sob to control myself i have my hand on my mouth in a fist as i suck it up and sigh.
I guess i really didnt get to him.... And i dont think i'll be trying anytime soon.

I went home and threw myself onto my bed hugging my pillow as i screamed in it with anger and frustration. He has no feelings... i shouldve just listened and not fell inlove or whatever happened.... there was nothing i could do but not answer his calls nor text- too much atleast.

Yoongis pov:

I laugh at how overly sensitive jungkook is... i think he does everything without actual good intent. He does it to get something in return... it cant be anything else...
Im just in disbelief till the door slams i hear sobs. Damn... what does he like about me anyways???? Im not good for him and i told him all the time he doesnt listen. His sobs where loud.... I didnt know what to do.... i wanted to call him or even go out and give him a hug but. no. Everytime i act nice to him he falls harder.... he'll get over it and come back or text me first or something. He always does. Right?

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