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Yoongi's pov;

After eating i came home and thought about what both jin and taehyung said. If hes as nice as as they say. why dont i seem to see it as well? Well its probably because of how much of an ass i am to him that he wont show me the best of him. I stayed up all night looking up at the ceiling thinking on what couldve happened if i wasnt such a dick. Few minutes then hours passed before my thinking process ended and i fell asleep.


i woke up to the alarm and me slamming it to the ground. i woke up and sat up as i look around my room seeing a mess, but i just stood up and walked through the pile of shoes like kit was nothing. i go to the kitchen and pick up a bottle of beer than walking back upstairs to my room. Ive only gotten 5 hours of sleep since yesterday.
The thoughts of Jungkook and how "nice" he was wouldnt wipe themselves off my head.
As i go upstairs i begin to drink as i tasted the bitterness of my beer, and for the first time ever... it disgusted me.
Probably because i didnt brush my teeth? i dont know but it just tasted overly bitter so i put it down and picked up my phone and has over 36+ notifications. most were from youtube, but the best ones were from Jungkook.

' kookie : hey um, i just wanted to say sorry for getting overly offended and sympathetic yesterday.... im sorry for thinking you liked me.' delivered yesterday 6:00pm

'kookie: back again! wanted to tell you how um now that i am completely aware of the situation... if you wanted to hang out later? although it might take a while and we'd have to take a train it sooo worth the view!!!!' delivered today 10:00 am

my heart raced as i havent gone out in a while and it made me happy. i began to text and all i said was 'yes' eagerly, weirdly i wanted to see the view... but wanted too see HIM even more. Me and him planned and he was surprised that i even said yes. HELL ,im even surprised i said yes.

I was gonna wear a baggy white button up shirt with my tims but changed my mind. Instead i picked out a black zip up hoodie with a gray-ish jacket on top. I was proud of what i picked out and i suddenly felt a vibration on my back pocket. Jungkook was calling me. So i picked up.... and surprisingly with a rather calm and happy voice this time.

"heeeeyyyyyy Yoongi hyung!' Jungkook said excitedly. "hey! and hehe you dont have to call me hyung if you dont want to by the way-" i said chuckling. "O-Oh haha ok! well let me explain how this is gonna go down... were gonna take a train there and the place well theres grass and agh.... its a surprise." he said teasingly. I felt my eyes kind of widen as my face heated up. i covered my face a bit as unstoppable wrongful thoughts were carved my brain. Jungkook giggled and began to speak once again "so um.. i kind of want to get there before sundown, i want to see the sun drift down slowly" he said softly, although this wasnt any sort of face time. i felt him smile... his voice just felt as if he was smiling. "would u like me to meet you over there? at your house i mean?" i said nervously and he replied with a rather happy 'of course' as he then hung up. I smiled and kind of squealed, i took my shirts collar and put it over my mouth as i giggled.

~Hours later~

i was outside his apartment complex quietly as i waited for him. It was chilly outside since it was winter season, it was approximately about 59 deegrees outside. A few minutes pass and i was about to call him, phone in hand and thats when i hear steps approach me and i look up and its him. WHAT THE FUCK IS SO GORGEOUS ABOUT HIM?!?!?!?!?!.
He was wearing something simple yet cute, For the first time ive seen he was wearing a baseball cap and a blue tuxedo-ish jacket over a jean jacket. He was cold... i could tell as his nose area was red and his non-prescription glasses were a bit fogged. "so are we going?" he asked me with a smile on his face. "Yes, but after i tell you how good you look..." i said nervously. I personally didnt know how to be nice......or atleast not to him yet. jungkook smiled," omg really, It was Jins birthday earlier so hehe" he said giggling while moving his shoulder in a direction where it looked like he was checking his own ass out. His pants fit him perfectly and i covered my mouth with a fist as i turned "stop checking yourself out you look fine, i said while stuffing my hands into my hoodies pockets.

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