Chapter 1

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In a high tech lab somewhere in a forest

A lab assistant knocks on a door

Lab assistant: Taen. The head of Vitreus wants to speak with you.

There is no response from the door

Lab Assistant: Taen?

The Lab Assistant opens the door and finds Taen and his Mewtwo

Lab Assistant: Taen! Did you not hear me? The Head of Vitreus wants to talk you. He wants to offer you a job.

Taen: You can remove the disguise Hatheron. I don't want the job. I have everything I need right here. So go back your boss and tell him find someone else.

Hatheron: I would choose your next words very carefully. We can go to war against you and your "Apsolutio" Group as you call it. Nice choice by the way, apsolutio meaning finishing in latin. Finishing of from your work in Torren.

Taen: Yeah. and  Vitreus is based on the word Victory but in Corsican it means Stained glass windows. You have your answer now leave.

Hatheron: He will not be pleased.

Taen: Then tell him to bring his army. Does he really think he stands a chance against Me?

Hatheron: Shame you didn't join us.

Hatheron leaves and a real lab assistant enters the room

Taen: Garen is it ready?

Garen: Sharp as ever. Yes. The DNA of Inzert was recovered.

Taen: Then hurry up and start cloning it.

Garen: Your right hand man made Inzert and was unable to control him what are you going to do?

Taen: I have a plan. Crystallize it.

Garen: Yes Taen.

Garen leaves

Mewtwo: What do you plan to do?

Taen: I will become it. If Scott Gray died to my somewhat descent partner's Pokemon- no. That wouldn't be a fair comparison. If Inzert could destroy an entire region I could destroy the whole world.

Mewtwo: Become it? You plan to raise it without a soul to transfer your own into it?

Taen: That is the plan. But not before perfecting it. You act worried is something wrong?

Mewtwo: I have been keeping tabs on Gray and he has always scrabbled his location or status from me until know but he isn't human anymore. He is a lycanroc.

Taen: Oh? Every story needs its hero. And its villain. And its monster. I have moved on passed Torren you should too.

Mewtwo: Yes da- I mean Taen!

Taen: It's alright. I am not like those fools in team rocket, you have to care for your pokemon if you want control.

Mewtwo smiles

Mewtwo excitedly: Then I have no doubts. I will follow you no matter what!

At Luca

Luca: Leon! It's dinner time!

Hackmon walks into the kitchen

Leon  looks like a delta Riolu wearing a Hackmon's clothes. He walks beside Hackmon.

Leon: Soup again?

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