Winters Gift

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Okay I got this idea from EZRead01 she even drew a picture of what it would look like so shout out and special thanks to her! Yes this is the picture that she drew. I hope you sky people like the chapter!
Sabre's Point of view
The Guardian didn't come back. We waited for a while and he didn't. In the end we all decided he would be back in the morning. We all went inside our houses. Soon we were all asleep.

The next morning I couldn't help, but shiver from the cold. Weird... I got out of bed to find Time Steve still asleep. I carefully went outside to open the door.

"Holy-" I stumbled back and hit my head on the floor and accidentally woke Time Steve up.

"Sabre? Are you alright?!" He helped me up.

"Yeah, I was just shocked."

"Shock at what..." he looked outside to see what I was shocked by. Everything was covered in a half a block of snow.

"I forgot how close it was to becoming winter. I didn't even realize that the trees were orange and yellow."

I was very thankful that my chicken onesie was a good for this weather. It always kept me warm when we had to go into the mountains. I can still feel it, but it won't kill me.

"So... do we just go outside?"

"Yeah, we should probably tell the Overseer about this." I walked outside and couldn't help, but enjoy how calm it seemed to be out here. I carefully made a few snow balls.

"What are you doing?"

"Making a wake up call." Instead of Time Steve saying something like you shouldn't do that he grabbed some too.

"Sounds like fun." We quietly inside. They were both asleep. I went up to the Overseer while Time Steve went up to Galaxy Steve. With my fingers I counted down then at the same time be threw two at them both aiming for the face.

They both woke up. The Overseer was very confused about how we got snow while Galaxy Steve.

"Oh it's a fight you want!" Without hesitation he went at us. We ran outside into the snow.

"Wait it's snowing?"

"Yes!" I couldn't help but laugh. While I was off guard I was hit with a snowball in the back of my head. I looked behind me to see the Overseer who looked more than ready to start a snow ball fight. I made a few more and was ready to fight.

I made the first move and threw one at him for a bit of revenge. He threw another at me and I was able to move out of the way, but it hit Galaxy Steve. Looks like their won't be any teams now. It's now sudden death.

"Whoa what's going on?" I looked behind me to see Alex who looks like she is freezing. I was tempted to throw a snowball at her, but I don't think it would be a good idea. Instead I threw one and Galaxy Steve and then The Overseer again. I would like to stay on Time Steve's good side.

"Snowball fight. Want to join?"

"Yeah... No it's cold enough already." I moved out of they way as Galaxy Steve tried to attack me again.

"Well, why don't we do something else instead?"

"Hide and seek!" Galaxy Steve suggested.

"Why?" Alex asked.

"Because why not? I mean it might be more fun in the snow."

"Well, since you wanted to... Not IT!" I started to run to find a hiding spot. I can hear Galaxy Steve counting.

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