Chapter 13.

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Heading back to the dorm blows away our worry, especially Ava's. She has too much on her mind and it's clogging mone more than it should, the whole fortune teller thing should have been over a while ago but instead, I feel like we've gotten ourselves into an even bigger mess. |

As we walk back inside of our chilly dorm, I can't help but think how funny it is that now we both have the same 'home' and it's even weirder to think that, that 'home' is just our stuffed dorm that we yet need to decorate but probably never will.

"You can use some of my products, your acne seems to be acting up a little," Ava informs me and I roll my eyes. I swear she says the same thing every year.

"My acne spots have actually gotten a little better and no thanks my face wash is good enough," I say harshly and she giggles.


Ava rushes off to take a shower and honestly, I'm thankful for a little peace and quiet. Come to think of it weird things have happened since that fortune teller. I did meet a random boy out of nowhere and now he likes me. That doesn't happen to girls like me, too. . . me. I don't care what the reason is that whatever it is, it's working in my favor and I don't want it to stop.

I close my eyes for a few seconds and am instantly interrupted by the door barging open with a loud bang that I so desperately don't need. 

"I'm back!" Ava practically screams.

 My tired eyes close without me having a say in it. 

"You were asleep for so long I managed to get all of this," she says pointing at the snacks in her bed and immediately sits up. I carefully examine each bag of goodness, the chocolate, the salt, the fat, and the sweet.

 I can almost feel my mouth water, wanting to devour every drop.

"I figured we could just cuddle up and watch the bachelor with all of these snacks." She giggles and I smile at her as if she's an angel from beyond. Our friendship is pretty selfish, the last thing she bought me was probably ice cream when I was feeling depressed and wanted to eat myself to death.

"Say something." She demands after a few minutes of pure silence but I can't. I smile and jump out of the bed, giving her a huge hug.

"Thanks." I whisper into her hair. Even though I wasn't the one that needed some cheering up, I'm still grateful Ava thought of me as she rarely does. 

I know it's not because she wanted to cheer me up or herself but because despite not saying a word to each other about the disappearance of that supposed house, we both need the distraction and our minds along with endless conversations will end up causing both of us to faint.

I make space for her in my bed and she brings over a big light blue fuzzy blanket to bury ourselves in as we load the show on my computer.

 We watch steadily, trying to spot the perfect girl for the bachelor but they're all the same, they're all skinny and almost all pageant queens who have no sense of conversation without gossip about one another.

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