Chapter 34.

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I hurry back to my dorm, trying to avoid as many jocks and cheerleaders on my way as I can. I can't believe this nonsense took an hour out of my life. I'm still a little sleepy and I definitely got nowhere closer to an answer from this whole thing. Maybe there's a reason fortune tellers don't go to other fortune-tellers or predict their own future because, in the end, it's all bullshit.

I kick my legs up in the air, getting both shoes to fall down onto the floor. I need to start taking my life seriously, both my school and health desperately need attention. I know that if I'll go to class I'm almost certain I'll see either Liam or Ava which I'm not sure I can handle after Liam's last visit.

I pull out a microwavable pizza from our tiny fridge and throw it into the new microwave that Ava's mom got for us. I inhale and exhale there are a few hours until my class so I might as well clean our dorm. I shove the pizza in my face and finish it in mere minutes, it has always been a talent of mine.

„Why are you so messy," I ask myself quietly before picking up my clothes from the floor and folding them. Ava's side of our dorm is perfectly clean except for a few vodka bottles hidden under her covers.

I start getting ready for class which means packing my bag full of books and wearing the same things as I always do, sweatpants and a sweater.

The classroom is crowded, this is the first time I'm thankful for not having Ava in my class or Liam for that matter. I haven't seen either of them for a few days and I'm still no closer to a solution as to what I should do. I feel myself slowly going crazy as the teacher starts the lecture. I don't want to be here, this school is depressing, everything about this place is depressing but before I know it, the class is over and I'm the first one to run out.

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