Chapter 61

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„So who are you here with?" I ask the blonde-haired girl.

„Oh, I'm with Jack." She says with a slight southern accent.

„you're with Liam right?" she asks and I nod.

„Oh you're so lucky, he's so handsome."

„I know." I chuckle. We take a few shots and I start to feel a little numb and bloated.

„I think I need to go to the bathroom." I laugh and she points me to the upstairs floor.

„it's up there, you'll see it as soon as you get up the stairs." She smiles and I nod. I'm happy that I made a new friend, she seems friendly and not at all judgy about my fat body. Come to think of it, since I've been here I don' even feel fat anymore. I feel good and I have barely even thought about my heavyweight. My head feels heavy with every step I take up the stairs and my heart starts pounding.

My bladder feels like it's about to explode and I know I need to find a bathroom . . . desperately. I finally reach the top of the stairs. I walk a little further down the hall, but no bathroom seems to be apparent until I finally see a room with a dark door and a sign on it that reads; ‚Male bathroom only, do not enter.'

I know Liam told me not to go upstairs, but if this is the only bathroom in the house how could he expect me not to? I laugh at myself before opening the door slowly, the last thing I want to see is someone in here. I laugh as soon as the door reaches wide open. No one is in here, in fact, this isn't even a bathroom . . . it's a regular room, with a bed and a big closet. It's dark and I can barely see anything. The bed is small and clearly old, the wall next to it is damaged and covered in all kinds of marks. I know I came to go to the bathroom but his room is giving me a weird feeling and I can't seem to leave. 

The blue bedding of the room looks familiar but nothing else does. I can feel the seriousness of this room fading little by little as I approach the closet. Maybe Liam's in there? I laugh, I haven't seen him for the past hour but maybe that's only because I was talking to Stephanie, the blond-haired girl. Of course, her name is Stephanie.

I sit down in front of the tall closet. I'm tired and after this much drinking, I just don't have the energy to stand up and get out of this creepy room and find an actual bathroom, come to think of it, I don't even need to go anymore.

I sit here for what seems to be an hour and realize that I should probably start heading back. Stephanie is probably waiting for me and I can't lose her as a friend by being the fat girls that sits on the 'bathroom' for an hour.

 I attempt to stand up but quickly fall back down, slamming into the closet, I start to laugh and to my surprise, something falls onto my head . . . a box?  

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