No Word

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It had been a week since I went to the audition for my ex-lover's and former teacher's movie. In the acting world, if you haven't heard from the casting director or agent, then you didn't get the part. So, that being the case, I put it out of my mind, thinking James never wanted to see me again. Not that I blame him, I just thought he meant what he said that I did a good job. I know I did. I connected with James the way I did a couple years ago, but I guess Clara brought something to the part that I didn't.

I find myself ponder all this, while I make coffee at the home I'm housesitting. It's what I do for money. I'm not much good at waiting or serving people, so I housesit while people are away. I also dog walk and nanny. This keeps most of me days open for auditioning and possible acting jobs that also help pay my rent for my single apartment.

I pour the water in the coffee maker after putting the grounds in, plugging it in and letting it percolate. I check my phone and just see a text from my mom back in Scotland.

Hey Dear, how are you? Hope your well. Are you eating alright?

I roll my eyes. It's like she thinks I don't eat or eat right with out her cooking for me. But one of the perks of being a house sitter is I can help myself to whatever is in the fridge and most of it is good healthy stuff. Like Quinoa, spinach and other good things. (I'm a vegetarian. I'd go vegan, but I like cheese and eggs too much. Though I get my eggs caged free from the farmers market.) I write back.


Yes, mom. I'm house sitting and I'm about to have my low-fat yogurt and fruit with almonds.

I send the text and make the bowl while waiting for the coffee to be made. It's done once I'm done making my breakfast. I pour myself a cup and take my bowl out to the kitchen table, take a sip of my coffee, put it back down on the table and take a good view of the ocean.

Just as I'm about to take a bite of yogurt, my phone starts ringing. I get up from the table and walk to the other side of the kitchen pick up my phone that is near the coffee maker. I answer it and start walking back to the table. "Hello." I answer, even though it's not a number I recognize.

"Hello, good morning." Says the lady whose voice who belongs to the casting director that was working for James's movie. "Is this Penelope Deschanel?"

"Speaking." I say taking a small bite of yogurt.

"Hello, Penelope. Sandra Drake here. I'm just calling you to tell you that you have a call back for James Mc Avoy's movie. Are you available Thursday morning?"

"I am."

"Great. We'll see you then. Have a great day, Penelope."

"You two." I say before hanging up. Guess I was wrong. Guess he just needed more time to decide.


Sorry this is a short chapter, but I wanted to post a sort of get to know Penelope a little bit. The next chapter will be better, I promise. Hope you enjoyed it. -Erin

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