Just one more day

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It was the final day on set. James saved the more emotional scene for last. We shoot more scenes of us just being a couple like we almost were in real life. I liked doing those scenes and feeling supported by James the whole time. He truly was making me happy. I even got to share a couple kisses during filming which were a delight.

Kevin on the other hand wouldn't talk to me. Even when he was shooting us, he never gave me much direction or talked to me about the scene. It was just action and cut. But then I realized that was the kind of director he was. Just let us do our thing. Even though, I could tell it was killing him inside to see us even pretend to be a couple. His eyes were blood shot and he looked like he had slept about as much as I have which was maybe only an hour or two of sleep. However, I had make up to cover up my stolen eyes.I hope he knows I know that if things were different, I probably would've been quiet comfortable with me and maybe eventually fallen in love with him. He really is a good guy.

We have a break where the camera guys are setting up in James's place. I eat a Lara bar as it is 5 'o Clock and I am starving, but this holds me till dinner. After I eat it, James comes over to me and pulls me a sighed. "Hey you doing ok?" He checks in on me as he did yesterday when we were shooting. I told him then that I hadn't broken up with Kevin yet, but I was going to later that night. Now I'm wondering if James's is now checking on me because of that. To see how I'm feeling about it.

"I'm fine." I tell him, biting my lip. "No actually... he figured our that we we're really doing it in our sex scene."

James looked at me serious almost happy. "Really?"

I nod my head. "Yes, and he's mad at me because Iied to him when he asked me about it days ago."

"Why would you do that?"

"What was I suppose to do? It was acting. I thought it might nothing. It was work."

"And do you still think that?" He asked moving closer to me I try to breath and not get turned on by him being this close to me. "You know I don't think that anymore." I look into his blue eyes that are staring back at me.

He smiles. God, that smile of his. "Listen... I was going to have a wrap party tonight, but I'm not really up for that and I don't think Kevin or the rest of the crew want to stay any longer than they're getting paid to. "Would you want to go out to dinner with me tonight?"

I smile back to him, so happy he asked me. I have realized that I have missed his company all this time. Just missed him: James's McAvoy the person. "I'd love to. Thanks for asking."

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