The Morning after

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A/N: Sorry this look me so long to post. I just wanted a break from posting so much. 

I wake up the next morning to the smell of Bacon and Eggs filling the apartment. Which is weird, because my roommate never cooks and why would anyone want to cook for their house sitter. Then I see that I am on the couch and this is not my place or the person I'm house sitting for house. It's Kevin's. James's assistant director's apartment. I slept over. Something I never do.

I see that I'm naked and I grab my underwear and bra and put them back on and my dress. Grabbing my phone out of my purse, I walk towards the smell; following it towards the kitchen. Kevin is there cooking. "Good morning." I say in my morning voice that's much deeper than my normal voice.

He shakes surprised and looks over to me. "Morning. I'm sorry I didn't recognize your voice." He flips the bacon. "I hope you're hungry."

"Oh, I don't eat meat." I tell him, still standing in the doorway.

He nods "Well more for me then." He smiles. "Have a seat. There's coffee and I'm going to cook the eggs and toast soon."

"Okay." I say grabbing the mug that's already out and pour the coffee and sitting down to the set plates. I take a seat on the other side of the table and check my phone. Bunch of Instagram updates from people, a few emails. One from my agent, asking what I'm up to and another one from James. I email my agent, saying that I'm working on an indie movie of James McAvoy and that I'm the lead. I'll let her know the salary later. James's email is to remind me of the rehearsal time with Clara. Thursday at 10am. Guess it's going to be for the day scenes. I reply with a sorry I didn't replay sooner and Got it.

I put it on the side of the table, and I see that Kevin has made some scribbled eggs with spinach, and tomatoes in them and Avocado on top. It's not something I liked at first, but the more I kept eating them, the more I liked them and toast.

"Here you go." He walks over and puts my plate in front of me. I wait to eat till he comes back with his plate with the bacon, I wish I could eat. It smells really good.He comes back with his plate and I pick my fork and take a bite of the eggs and look straight at him across the table. "So, is this your first movie your working on?"

"No." He says between bites of bacon. "I worked on Split and Glass as a grip and I got close with James and told him I wanted to be a director and he's giving me a chance."

I smile and sipped my coffee. "Oh. That's nice of him. Happy to have you on board."

"Yeah. He's a good guy. He'll be a good director. You're in safe hands." He assured me.

"I know. He used to teach a master class I was in."

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