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We landed in our hometown of Glasgow. I hadn't been here in two years. I used to go back to see my mum, but since I moved to Los Angeles, I couldn't afford it. My mother made good money at her job being a Veterinarian, but I never liked her buying my ticket when international flights cost about 5,000 dollars, American. I just wouldn't feel good about it.

I still couldn't afford it, but James insisted I that he pay for it, but I still chipped in with my own ticket, just enough that I could still pay my rent and buy food next month. Anyway, the plane touched town and I was treated to the view of the Mountains on the runway. I missed it.

Los Angeles has Mountains, but not like this. There's a lot of Green and nature out here that I miss. I miss some of the people, not all, just some. I miss some of the food. Not all just some. Thank god I'm a vegetarian, and I don't have to eat haggis. That's one thing about giving up meat I do like. The thing I miss most of all is my Mum. I know it's childish, but after not seeing her for two years, I do.

I miss her lightness, her scene of humor, and her way of being. Yes, she doesn't think I'm healthy giving up meat, but I'll take that over her not caring like some Mum's I've seen who have just left their children at home while they work a lot. Or just not take an interest in anything they do. My mom never doubted that I couldn't be an actress. She just knew that it was something that I was good at and wanted to do.

Most parents would want their children to be a doctor or a lawyer or something else that would make them proud and what was best for them. But not my Mum. She paid for my drama school and used to help me out with money, till I managed to support myself. I still don't know how I do it.

We land and they have all the first-class passengers off first, which is us. We grab our carry -on bags and head straight towards baggage claim, then after he get our bags, we then go over to the car rental place and claim our rental. "I'm sorry it seems that that car has already been rented out." Says the man behind the desk.

James and I look shocked, "What do you mean it was rented out? We're here and claiming it on the day and time we said we'd here." James says.

"Must be some mistake." The man types on his computer to double check. "Yes, it is. Must be my co-worker must have rented it out my mistake. Let me see if we have anything else available. He types again and we just wait. Rub James's arm, hoping for something good. The man keeps looking and then he smiles. I know this is good news. "Ahh, here me are. A full sized 2015 valence wagon. Would that be ok?"

James smiled relieved. "Works for me. Penelope?"

I smile too. Glad this matter wasn't going to be a big issue. "Works for me, too."

The man, looked relieved and James signed off on it and paid for it for the week and we went outside, put our bags in the trunk and got in the car and drove to my Mum's house. James's turned on the radio. Oh, the stations I missed. I sit back in my seat, after buckling my seatbelt and just listened to it and closed my eyes. I needed a rest. I only managed to get a few hours, but I need more.

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