Girl Talk

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"So... what's up with you and our Assistant Director Kevin?" Clara asks as she brings the tea tray with the pot and cups over to the living room.

"What do you mean?" I try and play coy, while I'm unpacking the Chinese food, not assuming she's asking what I think she's asking.

She raises her red eyebrow at me as she pours a cup of Green Tea. "Is something going on with you two?" She asks as she hands me the cup of tea.

I shake my head after I take the tea and hand her, her Kung Pao Chicken. "No, he just wanted to say that I did a good job today." I open up my Orange Crispy Tofu and take a bite.

"With his arms around you and a kiss on the cheek? If it's harassment, you can tell James and James can fire him and file a case against-""Hold it." I say raising my hand to the red head. "He's not doing anything wrong.

We are dating, but I promise you... it's not going to interfere with the movie." I hand her the rice.

"Is it serious?" She asked taking a bite of her chicken and taking the rice from me and eating it, too.

"No." I say taking a sip of tea. The Tofu is a bit spicier than expected. "We're just casual for now."

She nods her head. "What's he like in bed?" She bites her lip. That's one thing I don't get about Americans woman; That they can ask that question about the guy that their friend is dating.

"Not bad. Good actually." I continue eating and Clara is still looking at me questioning me. She is a little perverted, I can tell. "Amazing. My second best lover."

She continues to look at me in that way. "Oh? Who's been your best."I pause. I can't tell her it's James as I'm trying to forget about our time together and I don't want Clara to think I'm only here to get with him or use Kevin to make him jealous. I wonder if that's what James's is thinking right now. "Just someone I was in this Master acting class in London. We dated shortly after it ended, but he had to go back to Ireland." I say as my head is down in my Tofu.

Clara puts her hand on my shoulder. "You still miss him, don't you?"

I nod my head. "Everyday." I look at her for a min before speaking again. "But that's life. And if things don't work out, you just have to move on. No matter how much it kills you on the inside... I'm sorry. I'm usually not like this. I'm usually way more fun."

"It's ok. Life is full of both comedy and drama and I'm here for both. You sound like you've held on to that for a while now. It's good to let it out."

I nod my head, put my food down and pull my arms around her for a hug. "Thank you for understanding. You're pretty awesome."

She hugs me back. "Thanks. You are too." We stay in the embrace for a few more min and go back to eating. Clara puts on her Netflix and we watch James's old movie Atonement. "This one is my favorite of his." She whispers to me.

"Mine, too." I tell her.

After we finish our food, we pause the movie to read our fortunes. "You will be rich in your chosen profession.... In bed." She laughed and so do I. God, she is perverted. "Ok, Penelope... what does yours say?"

I brake open my cookie and take a look at it, shocked by its context. "The truth will come out about how you really feel." I pause thinking this maybe too real. Then I smile and look at Clara. "In bed."

She smiles "Naughty. Maybe you and Kevin will try something new." She raises her eyebrows up once before putting them down.

I look down at my Fortune again. I know that's not it, but I don't want to think about that right now. "Maybe."

"I have some stuff that you might want to try."

I raise my eyebrow to her. "Like what?"

"Follow me." She stands up and takes my arm and leads me to her room, pulls out a box and opens it. Inside are hand cuffs, whips and some sex toys. Dildos, Vibraters and strap-on. Big and small.

My eyes widen. Not like I've never seen this stuff or never used them my stuff, minus the strap-on, hand cuffs and whips. "Wow. This is quiet s collection you have here."

"I sell these things as a side hassle, but I'll give you a couple items here for free."

My mouth is now wide open and I can't decide. "Well... I would like to put Kevin in hand cuffs... Ooo I'll take this Vibrater  for myself. Could always use a spare." I smirk holding them both in my hand. "Thanks Clara."

"My pleasure. But are you sure you don't want to try out the Vibrater first before taking it with you?"

"Can I do that?"

"Sure. It's a sample anyway." She notices more of my skeptical look. "I have many samples silly. This is just one of them." I nod my head and go to her bathroom. I come out 15 minute later after cleaning it. "Yup. I'm taking this one."

"Great." Clara says and I can't wait to use the cuffs on Kevin. Might even use the vibe, too.

Sorry this is so short. Next week will be even better. Please check out my Ben Hardy story: You're My Best Friend. 

And my real friend: @superstarfanx books. Have a good rest of the day.x-Erin

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