The End of the Tour

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The next day, we go and visit James's sister and her kids. It was a nice day. All we did was talk and eat. I helped with some of the cooking. Honestly, I'm not the best cook, but I love to help. We talked all night and then I went to sleep. 

The day after that, we went to James's house to get Brendon. James goes ahead of me to find Anne- Marie. "Hey is he ready." I hear James say.

"He's getting dressed." 

"Okay. No problem." He says calmly, like he knows that Anne had just had him get dressed, but we weren't in the biggest hurry. 

"Is she hear?"

"Yes. You want to say hello. Maybe be nice."

Anne-Marie sighs, "Sure why not." Anne Marie walks out ahead of James. "Hello, Penelope. Long time. How are you, dear?"

"Very well, thank you. Just wrapped the movie that James directed."

"Oh? That's lovely. Is that how you two get back in touch?" 

I nod. "Yes. A lucky audition and you know..." I say clearing my thought.

"Well good." She says, I know hiding her distaste for it. It's ironic because it's how she met James on set of Shameless. 

Brandon came out a few moments later and ran up to James. "Daddy!" James picked up the boy in his arms. He looked exactly like him, but with blonde hair. 

"Hey buddy. Ready for the zoo?"

"Yes!" James hugged his son and put him down. "Say goodbye to your Mum."

Brandon went over and hugged his mum. "Bye, Mummy."

"Bye, sweetie. You be good to your Dad and Penelope, alright?"

"Yes, mummy."

She let go of him and James took him by the hand and we all went out. I waved goodbye to Anne-Marie and we all got in the car and drove to the zoo. We arrived and stood in line. "So Brandon, What would you like to see first?"

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