Breaking up is hard to do

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Kevin had invited me over to his place once again. I arrive in a nice Emerald Green dress wit silver heels that make me almost the same height as him. He offers me a glass of wine, which is what I need right now after a long day of filming once again. James and I had to pretend that nothing happened last night.

Nothing did, except him holding me like he did. Seriously better than sex. Sex with Kevin at least not that the sex with Kevin was bad, just didn't feel that thing you're suppose to feel with someone. Sure, I was always satisfied, but did I have any real feelings for him? I thought I did, but it took James to point out that I didn't. He was the last person I wanted to talk about this and there he was. I even cooked him breakfast.

Now, I am wondering how long can I keep this up for? When do I tell Kevin? He has been so good to me and so romantic. God, how do I tell one of the sweeties guys in the world that I no longer want to be with him? At least if I tell him here, no one will see it. I hope he doesn't get too mad. We'll just wait and see.

"I made some Gac. I know how much you liked it the last time." He smiles as he offers it to me as we're sitting down on the couch. I smile as I'm holding my glass of red wine. I take a chip and eat some. "Mmm. It's as good as the last time was. And what is this wine?"

"It's called Clarient. The Director Frances Ford Coplia has a vineyard up in Napa Valley and this is one of his most popular." He says Taking a sip of it himself.

I take another sip to try it again. "I can see why. It's very full bodied, not acidic."

"Something the wine and you have in common." He says as he places his hand on my knee and up my thigh.

I laugh. "I'm not full bodied; I'm a sting bean." I tease.

He shakes his head. "You're beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you you're too fat or too skinny, because to me, baby... You're perfect." He leans forward to me and kisses my lips. Why does he have to make this harder than it has to be? But, then I remembered that, that kiss wasn't nearly as nice as the one James's planted on my forehead, and I remember that this isn't the relationship I'm suppose to be in.

"You're sweet." I tell him as I look into his brown eyes. He smiles again and kisses me again. He kisses me a few times before the timer goes off. Opens the oven with his oven mits, and serves me vegetarian lasagna with spinach. I saver every bite as we chat about how the day went.

All of the sudden he brings this up again. "Are you sure you and James didn't really hook up in the sex scene you guys did?"

I look at him as finish my food. I know I can't really lie to him anymore. It's not fare to him. I'm already tired of lying and hiding my feelings. Why should I? After a few moments, I nod. "I agreed to it before we started to date."

"Why didn't you tell me the truth when I asked you?"

"I really like you, Kevin and I didn't want to hurt you."

"You didn't want to hurt me, but you did."

"I know and I'm sorry, I-"

"It's ok, Penelope. I know it's not cheating, because it's for the movie, but the fact that you lied about it wasn't cool. I don't know if I can forgive that."

I stare down to the table at my empty plate then look up to him, "So are you saying you want to break up?"

"Yes. I just don't see how I can move on from this. How we can move on from this."

I nod in agreement. "Yup. I think that's best. Just know that I'm really sorry."

"I know."

"Can I help you clean up?" I offer, as I feel it's the least I can do.

"No, I can handle it. You should probably go home."

I nod and I get up and go to the front door. I put back on my jacket and long black boots and walk out the door. I take the long walk to my car with my head hanging low. I knew it was going to be hard, but I didn't think it would be that hard. I thought I was going to be the one to break up with him. I thought I was the one to be let down gently. But of course, Karma came into play. I know I deserve it, but I really didn't want to hurt Kevin. After all, it's just a movie.

I get into my car and I buckle my seat belt. I turn on my sad playlist and I cry all threw the drive home. Once I get home, I put one that old movie Unfaithful with Richard Gere and Diane Lane where Diane Lane's character is lying about cheating to her husband played by Richard Gere. I watch it feeling alone and miserable. But I deserve it. Tomorrow is going to be rough.

A/N: Not going to lie. This chapter really hurt to write. I thought it was going to be Penelope breaking up with him quick and easy, but that's no fun. I hate seeing my girl upset, but it is what it is now. 

Hope you liked this chapter. Sorry it's short. Next week's will be longer-Dreamcast45

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