some random notes

399 8 25

not really hermitcraft, just wanna talk lmao (i should really make a rambles book ffs)

- i have surprised myself with how much i can procrastinate from writing a one minute speech. It's nearly 6 pm, the speech is due tomorrow, but im instead working on an animation for a DIFFERENT project and writing wattpad stuff

- i'm writing chapter 4 of Rulebreakers right now! Or at least I would be if WRITERS BLOCK WOULD KINDLY FUCK OFF

- help im slowly spiraling farther down r/memes

- the thing with Python, Zed, and Xisuma originally was just going to be the Invisible, Weak, and Secrets drabbles. I just wanted to show off some lowkey problems that happened in the background. Then it slowly spiraled and oh look here we are with a cliffhanger and about 2000 words in writing

- if i were to have a day hanging out with my version of the hermits, I'd hang out with EX, Joe, or Python. We all got a lot in common (especially since the lonely thing with Python is literally basd off my personal experiences lmao)


- *quietly praying my friends never find my wattpad account* i'll have a lot to explain if they find my 69 chapters ;-;


- i am the embodiment of a tired, meme worthy mood

- i wanna draw my persona... but i need to finish 2 school projects first... god fucking damn it

- i have 2 personas (somehow). I've got Silver (or Author) who is physically based off my minecraft skin and is more of an OC than a persona. Then I've just got my persona actual persona, uh, other version of Silver.


- *cringing at my old stories* i want to burn them, but also keep as memories shit im conflicted

- Tanghoe, Grain, Mumble, and other crack worthy names, all living together in Hermit Crab

- if there's Tango... are there other people with dance related names? Are them and Tango are like related???

okay back to work, bye for now <3

*Cub in the background flossing, Joe t-posing, Tango dabbing, and Cleo vibe checking you* get wrecked m8s

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