Chapter 15: The Ring

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Justin's POV:

When my plane touched down at LaGaurdia airport I knew my ride would already be waiting. I gave him strict instructions on what to do. Knowing his loyalty, I knew he'd have everything in motion for me.
Next I called Charlie to check on my girl.

"Hey Charlie, I've landed.
I'll be there in about an hour or so.
How is she?"

"She's in a foul mood. Pissed that she can't leave the gym to get a smoothie.
Your added security is, let's just say uncompromising.
Our girl doesn't take orders to well."

Always feisty, I expected no less from her.

"What kind?"

"Hmmm? What do you mean, what kind?"

"Fucking smoothie, Charlie!
What kind does she like? And from where?"

"How the hell would I know that, Bieber?"

"Well find out, O'Malley...I ain't entering the firing squad without a peace offering."

"Yeah...yeah...yeah...make me do the dirty work.
I'll text ya when I figure it out."

"Thanks Charlie."

You'd think we were related, the way we banter back and forth.
I was just grateful he was in my girl's corner, I trusted him with her life...but he better come through with that smoothie order is all I'm saying.
I had no luggage, having left everything in Vegas after hearing about Asher leaving the note and broken cross on Charlie's doorstep.
I may have pissed off a couple of people on the plane as everyone was trying to leave.
Let's just say, being the impatient fucker that I was...I was the first one off.
Rushing out the arrival doors of the airport I scanned the incoming cars for my ride.
Not seeing what I was looking for, I reached for my phone to make the call.
His text was already flashing on my screen.

Be there in 5. Fucking traffic sucks bro.

I didn't like waiting and he knew it.
Instead of texting him back, I lit up a cigarette to calm my damn nerves.
The first inhale of nicotine had me feeling slightly less lethal....until the rent-a-cop decided to push my last button.

"Sir you can't smoke here!
Your going to have to put that out now!"

I took a deep inhale and blew the smoke in his face. Then I did it again, just because I could.

"Chill bro. I'm almost fucking done.
I promise you the second hand smoke should be the least of your worries.
With the weight your packing, your looking at a heart attack...and soon."

Rent-a-Cop wasn't happy with my assessment of him.
Poor guy's face was turning red.
I took another inhale as he tried to find his words.

"The sign right behind you, clearly states NO SMOKING! So stop being a smart ass and put it out, or I'll have you arrested."

I actually fucking giggled at his lame attempt to threaten me.
While taking my last hit and essentially finishing my smoke break, I flicked the cherry onto the ground in front of him and stepped closer. He stepped back sensing I wasn't up for following the rules.

"Maybe you fuckers might want to put the signs in front of me and not behind me. Not that it would make a fucking difference. Go do something worthwhile, like blowing your damn whistle at every vehicle that stops for more than a minute....Rent-a-Cop!"

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