Chapter 30: Free falling for Her

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Justin's POV:

"Well,well,well! Rise and shine and give God the glory! The boy is up and making breakfast!"
Ms.Opal came snickering into the kitchen and planted a wet sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"Yeah, yeah,yeah...hallelujah and glory be! But if you slobber on my cheek again, I'm feeding your bacon and eggs to George. So you best behave yourself, Ms.Opal!"

But of course she wasn't one to back down from a threat, and my ear was pulled yet again. And for some reason, she was growing on me.

"So where is the Mrs?
Did you wear her out with all that baby making?"

I turned and shot her an exasperated look, placing my hand over my heart for dramatic effect.
She just rolled her eyes as she poured us each a cup of coffee.

"Y'all are married now. No need to play coy with me.
When John and I were newlyweds, well we planted our seeds wherever the wind took us.
A road trip throughout Canada and America, and let me tell you something..."

I coughed and held my hand up to stop her from going any further.
I so did not want to hear about Ms.Opal's sex life!

"I get it! You and Mr.John ran around fucking like jack rabbits! I'm good with never knowing the details, please!"

She smacked the back of my head playfully as she took the cream and sugar out.

"Watch that foul mouth of yours boy!
Cream and sugar?"

I smiled and flipped the bacon.
Wondering why she got all uptight about the word fuck, but wanted details about my sex life. Women were odd, especially old women.

"I take my cream and sugar with a little bit of coffee.
And my wife is happily still snoring away.
A gentleman never kisses and tells, but I thank you for setting me up last night.
And for taking your hearing aides out...if you know what I mean."

I brought the bacon and eggs to the table as she brought the coffee over.
Patting the seat next to her, I happily obliged.

"Your welcome, boy.
But even with my hearing aides out, I still heard more than the good Lord intended.
Almost gave my poor heart an arrhythmia!
George and Gypsy were none to happy either!
Their probably still hiding under my bed."

I should have been embarrassed, but all I could do was laugh at her honesty.
My laughter caused her laughter.
And we just sat their laughing for who knows how long.
But I remembered why I had left my wife all alone in that warm,comfy bed...naked.
I needed help.

"Ms.Opal, I'm in trouble and I need your help! All your talk last night about a perfect honeymoon had me thinking.
I asked Hailey what her top 3 things on her bucket list were.
My plan was to make them happen for our honeymoon.
We only have 3 weeks before I have to get back to training.
This fight with Asher isn't going to be pretty and I know she'll be stressed.
I want to give her a perfect honeymoon.
My girl needs to start collecting happy memories."

I bit my bottom lip nervously, hoping Ms.Opal would know what to do.

"Well, why are you in trouble?
That idea of yours seems perfect and thoughtful!"

I looked towards the ceiling and then out the window, then down at my empty plate.

"What the hell is the matter with you boy? Just spit out whatever is causing you to look constipated!"

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