Chapter 26: Confirmation

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Justin's POV:

Driving away from the gym with Kenny in the passenger seat, my emotions were all over the place.
I needed to keep my feelings in check for her sake. She didn't need my shit right now,  not after hearing everything she had confessed to Charlie.
I honestly had no clue where I was going as I drove. I made sure to have her pack her passport and stopped at my old apartment to pick up a bag and my passport...but where to take my girl?
At first my mind drifted to just going to the airport and picking a random destination, but when I looked over and found Kenny sound asleep, I just kept driving.
She was curled up in a tiny ball facing me, her fingers resting on my right thigh.
My girl looked so damn peaceful, and there was no way I was going to wake her up right now.
I drove until my eyes started getting heavy. Not realizing I'd been behind the wheel for 6 hours. Kenny hadn't woken up once, and I was starting to get lonely.  I had talked to Charlie and Joey 2 hours before, making sure everyone was ok. Charlie was annoyed with me as usual, this time because I was aimlessly driving with his daughter in the car. I recommended he relax and smoke some weed, that I had his girl. He knew I'd protect her at all costs, so he eventually chilled some. Old man still needed some weed in his life in my opinion.
6 hours of driving and my subconscious was finally letting me in on the plan as we reached the border.
I guess we were going to Canada.
My parents were both born and raised in Stratford,Ontario and had moved to the U.S before I was born.
They had taken me to visit Stratford when I was little, but I don't remember much about the place.
I had no family there, so I didn't understand why my subconscious was leading me there.
I woke up Kenny before we went through customs.

"Baby, you gotta open those pretty eyes for me." I whispered as I shook her shoulder.

"Leave me alone, pretty boy. I'm sleeping." She grumbled and rolled her body towards the window.

I chuckled at how grumpy my girl was when  I interrupted her beauty sleep.
"Baby girl, I suggest you open them eyes before we reach customs, or the officer is gonna think I've kidnapped your ass.
And I ain't about to go back to jail.
No thanks, not unless your sharing my cell."
Kenny sat straight up and whipped her eyes towards me, a look of question and confusion written across her features.

"Justin...why are we crossing a border?
And how long was I sleeping for?
It's almost daylight. Baby, have you been driving all night?"

She gently ran her fingers through my hair, making my eyes roll back at her soft touch.
God, I'd give anything for a warm bed to snuggle with my girl in right now.

"I had no clue where to go, and my parents are from I guess I just wanted to take you somewhere that felt safe to me."
I looked away, kinda embarrassed admitting to her that I wanted to take her to my parents hometown.
She grabbed my chin and brought her body closer.
"Babe, I love that you are taking me somewhere that means something to you.
Don't ever be embarrassed...not in front of me. Ok?"
I nodded and then kissed her nose.
"Ok...I promise. Now stop distracting me before I crash...and put your seatbelt back on baby girl."
She did as I asked but left her hand dangerously close to my crotch as we went through customs.
I'm sure the officer noticed my obvious predicament, his eyes kept looking between my crotch and my girl.
But he let us through, and we were now on Canadian soil.
"Justin I'm hungry and your tired.
Pull over at the next stop, and we'll get food and switch."
I wanted to argue with her that I was fine, but my damn eyes wouldn't stay open.
I pulled into a coffee shop called Tim Horton's and we filled up on food and coffee.
I was nervous to let Kenny drive the Audi, but I wasn't about to tell her.
My girl deserved my trust, so I gave her the directions to Stratford.
I was supposed to be looking up somewhere to stay, but I fell asleep before we had even hit the highway.

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