16- jinyoung

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the sheets were bloody when jinyoung woke up, he felt them squelch beneath him as he shifted in the bed. he had been awoken by a harsh knocking on the door, heavy pounds every few seconds.

but he couldn't bare to get out of bed with the pain rippling from the hole in his side.

the person at the door was persistent, ruining his plan to stay in bed all day. annoyed at the disturbance, he pulled himself from the bed and winced his way over to the door.

when he dragged it open to reveal im nayeon, he wanted to punch her right in the face.

"the fuck are you doing here nayeon?" he growled, forced to lean against the doorframe due to his throbbing side.

she rolled her eyes, "nice welcome, thanks park,"

"whatever. what do you want?"

"i'm here to help, but if you're just gonna be rude i think i'll be on my way," she pursed her lips and stuck her hip out, waiting for jinyoung to say something. he didn't, just folded his arms and stared her down with those eyes. the eyes that had struck fear into mark, that left every single person paralysed and lesser than jinyoung.

nayeon rolled her eyes yet again and started to walk away, tall heels clicking on the cheap linoleum of the hallway. she shrugged, "your loss,"

jinyoung sighed, pissed off, "nayeon wait."

she spun back around, a smirk on her glossy red lips that made jinyoung want to slam the door in her face. but if she was a blue (jaebeom's gang) and willing to help jinyoung out, it must've been serious.

"just tell me what you know."

smiling, nayeon pulled her lips close to jinyoung's ear, "i know where jackson is..."

"and why tell me? jaebeom will go bat shit crazy if he finds out you snitched,"

jinyoung could help but think about yugyeom.... about what had happened when he had snitched.... how jaebeom had-

he didn't like to think about it.

"let's just say mr im hasn't been nice to me recently, and i would love to screw him over,"

"how can i trust you?"

"ya can't. but are you willing to risk it?"

jinyoung wasn't stupid, he knew how his ex-boyfriend played. nayeon was obviously a trap to get jinyoung to where jaebeom was.

so he thought he'd play a little game too.

"where is he?"

"the abandoned warehouse between first and fifth. that's where jackson is. the little blonde one with the funny name too," she dragged the words from her mouth as though she was savouring them, letting them hang in the air for as long as possible.

"bambam?" he asked.

"yeah that one. anyways, that's all i know,"

jinyoung wasted no time saying, "thanks," and slamming the door in her face.

leaning against the door, he gripped his side in agony as slow tears dripped from his eyes. each time he took a breath in, pain shot up through him. it left him breathless and crippled.

he just wanted to fall to the floor and never get up.

but he had to gather a team, so he could get jackson and bambam and not get himself killed in the process.

he took a few minutes to relax his muscles and let the pain wash out from his knife wound. and as he did so, a thought crossed his mind. he hated it the minute it sprung to his head.

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