21- slumber party

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time passed so slowly, yet so quickly at the same time, mark found it hard to breathe. everything that had happened with park swam in his head: the anger, the kiss, the fight.

he didn't regret any of it, he just wished it had turned out differently. but then, he also wished that park wasn't such a massive dickhead, which was more than impossible. maybe the only reason their budding friendship had soured was because the guy was simply a bad person.

either way, mark found himself reverting back to his old self, the self that hated park. and just when he thought things were finally turning around.

after he left the warehouse, he had headed straight home. simply, he just wasn't in the mood to deal with the police and their questions so he didn't head to the station as he had been asked to do.

neither did he go to the hospital to check on bambam and jackson like he had initially intended to. to be honest, he was just too tired. life in wingate never ceased to surprise him in how hard it was. he hadn't even been there that long, and he was already thinking that his horrible life in america was much easier.

with this thought in mind, he decided to head straight back to wingate, sparing next to no thought for his two injured friends, his other locked behind bars nor the boy he hated more than anything.

the minute he arrived at his apartment, after keeping a wary eye out for any late night dangers in the courtyard, he collapsed onto his mattress taking long heaving breaths.

"fuck," he muttered to himself, feeling how every muscle in his body ached. he wanted to have a shower but he was too tired, so instead he opted for changing into his only other shirt (the one bambam had given him) which was a tad less sweaty than the one he had on. feeling a little cleaner, he grabbed a pack of biscuits from inside his backpack and ate them with his head rested on the wall behind him.

he was so done.

why did park have to kiss him?
and why was he fingering his lips gently, feeling where park had pressed his own?

he pushed it away, park was dick. a full on dickhead who mark wanted nothing to do with. he was in love with a pyschopath and he ditched his best friends. that was not the kind of person mark wanted to get involved with.

yet, park wouldn't leave his mind.

since he had first seen the guy he had been thinking about him, that fateful day when jackson had taken him to park's apartment. mark could still taste the smoke from jackson's cigarette in the back of his throat, still remember the scowl that had adorned park's face. he had been terrified of the man, absolutely scared stiff.

it was funny. now he knew that park was just a lonely loser in love with the wrong guy he wasn't scared of him in the slightest.

now, mark just hated him.
or maybe he didn't.

he still couldn't quite tell what the kiss had meant to him.

but it was undoubteable that park struck a nerve with mark, who was usually a calm and quiet person. that shouting match was a rare occasion, and something very out of place for the introvert. park just brought something out in him, and he couldn't tell if it was good or bad yet.

but even if he couldn't decide whether he hated park or wanted to kiss him again, it didn't stop the anger rising in his chest when park knocked on his door at 9pm.

when he pulled the door open, rather unhappily, he had wanted to scream. what did he have to do to deserve some peace and quiet? no-one would leave him alone for more than half an hour. in a way, he felt violated.

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