17 | the savior

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After three months without contact with Mando, Celeste had turned to completely trust Gideon

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After three months without contact with Mando, Celeste had turned to completely trust Gideon. It was too late for the months of manipulation to be erased from her mind. She was fully sold on the idea that the only way that she could live safely and protect those that she cared about was if she helped Gideon establish a new order in the universe. She was turned to the dark side and used every move the Sith had in the book. She thrived off of killing the stormtroopers Gideon sent in by the dozens to train her fighting skills. It was the only form of entertainment she had in the place, and all the killing had numbed her to the act. She found it to be an easy way to eliminate any possible threats.

She had grown depressed from the isolation she had experienced in those three months. Celeste had turned into a shell of a person, devoid of all life. All she did was wake up, train, shower and go back to sleep, then repeated it all again the next day. Even a droid had more personality and interaction that she did in those three months.

One night, Celeste heard rustling coming from outside of her room. Blasters went off and shouting from stormtroopers outside in the hall could be heard. Celeste crawled out of bed quickly and had her lightsaber drawn, the weapon hissing in its usual manner near her face. Cautiously, she creaked open the door, wondering if this was all a scheme constructed by Gideon to train her on surprise attacks. Celeste creeped out into the hall, the only source of light coming from her saber. Carefully, she walked, barefooted, down the hall as her eyes scanned the darkness for any figures standing in the corners ready to attack her.

Suddenly, a figure jumped out with his arms raised. Celeste squinted her eyes as his armor terribly reflected the yellow light from her saber. "Show yourself!" She shouted.

The man slowly walked toward her until she could finally make out it it was. "Mando?" Her voice cracked as she spoke out his voice.

She lowered her saber and rushed over to him, engulfing him in a tight hug. "I thought you were never going to come." Happy tears began to roll down her face. He sighed out in relief at the sound of her voice, he hadn't heard it in so long and didn't think he'd ever hear it again.

"Come on, we've got to get out of here before more Imps come." Mando grabbed her hand and tugged her. She stayed where she stood, reluctant to go with him. "What is it?" Mando asked her, wondering why she was hesitating.

Celeste thought about the plans Gideon had told her about. She worried living on the run with Mando wouldn't last long and they'd reach a fatal fate if they continued living like that. She thought about how their lives would be so much better if they all just stayed there with Gideon. She bit her bottom lip and looked up at Mando's visor. "Please, Cel. Let's go." His voice was begging for her to go with him, and the sound of his sad and worried voice make Celeste's heart melt. She nodded at him and ran along with him.

Once the two entered Mando's ship, Celeste hurried over to the child who was sitting in his cradle, patiently waiting for Mando to return. The child's face lit up once he saw Celeste. She swooped him up in her arms and hugged him tightly. "I found a planet we can stay for a night or two, that way I can repair the ship and we can all rest," Mando informed her as he placed a hand on her shoulder as she bounced the baby in her arms.

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