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With the Razor Crest's pristine fix, the flight to Corvus was quick and smooth

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With the Razor Crest's pristine fix, the flight to Corvus was quick and smooth. No one could bother them as they traveled in hyperspace and the ship was no longer sputtering every few meters. It felt like a luxury compared to how they were traveling before.

As Mando was preparing the ship to land on the dull plant of Corvus, Celeste played with the child. She knew he loved the ball of a lever on the dash of the ship. She had unscrewed it from the level without Mando noticing so that he wouldn't take it away from the kid. From what Celeste could see as they neared the planet, the planet was covered in a thin layer of smog. The surface was gray, seemingly deprived of life. She had thought Bo-Katan had mentioned that Corvus was a planet full of forests. But, there didn't seem to be much greenery left on that planet. It was obviously stripped from its resources, and Celeste hadn't even stepped foot on the planet yet to get a closer look.

"Get back into your seats, we're starting the landing cycle," Mando told as Celeste quietly watched the kid chew on the metal ball.

Before Mando could turn around and see the ball, Celeste grabbed it from the kid and pocketed it. Then, she put the child in his seat and sat in her own, beside Mando.

As the ship descended onto the planet, Celeste could see the destroyed forests closer and closer. The sight sent chills down her spine. When they walked out of the ship and stepped foot on the crunchy ground, their surrounding was eerily quiet--setting the tone of the planet. "Not much to see," Mando commented.

"Uh-huh," Celeste agreed as she peered out onto the scenery of dead trees and burnt grass.

"Let's head into town," Mando grabbed the child from Celeste and placed him in his satchel, "see if we can pick up a lead."

* * *

The gates of the towns weren't too far off from where they were stationed. And once the guards noticed Mando's beskar, they let the three inside the city. Seems as if they needed his services. Inside the city, the environment only worsened. The people of the city seemed depressed and fearful. They didn't dare make eye contact with one another. The buildings were old and falling apart. Even the droids looked as if they were damned. Mando attempted to speak to a few locals on the side of the main street, but, everyone ignored them. At first, Celeste thought it was because they were being plain rude. Then she realized, they couldn't speak to them, or at least they didn't dare speak to the foreigners.

Despite her realization, she allowed keeping trying to speak to the locals. "You there," Mando called out a man who was speaking quietly to his two children, "I need some information."

The man looked at Mando with fearful eyes, then looked around to see if anyone else was watching. His children scurried away as he looked up at Mando. "Please, don't speak to any of us--" The man began, but he quickly stopped himself from speaking once he saw some guards walk up behind Mando and Celeste.

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