Part 2: Confession

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Mari and Adrien told the Kwami's and they were excited to see a little baby crawling around soon.

At dinner Marinette's parents noticed how unusually quite the teens were and how they really weren't being all lovey-dovey like they normally were. They were wondering if something was wrong and if they were fighting.

"Marinette, Adrien is everything okay?" Sabine asked

As soon as she asked Mari and Adrien's eyes went huge and a huge blush on both of their faces. Tom and Sabine knew immediately something was up.

"Is there something you want to tell us?" Sabine said suggestively

"Oh would look at the time I'm going to bed!" Marinette said in a hurry. Leaving Adrien alone with her parents.

Tom and Sabine immediately started asking questions.

"Adrien what's going on? Why is Marinette acting weird?" Tom asked

"W-w-well we m-May have f-found out that Marinette is ummm..." Adrien said very nervously

"Is what?" Tom and Sabine said in unison.

"Mari is... pregnant" Adrien said in scared way.

Tom and Sabine's eyes went huge and Sabine covered her mouth and immediately went to Marinette's room leaving Tom alone with Adrien.

"Son... it's a good thing I like you." Tom said putting a hand on Adrien's shoulder.

"I will admit that what you guys did was stupid, but you know the responsibility you and my daughter have now." Tom said

"So... your not mad?" Adrien asked

"No I'm not, in fact I'm actually happy, I'M GONNA BE A GRANDPA!" Tom yelled and squeezed Adrien.

Back when Sabine went to Marinette's room

"Sweetie can I come in? I just wanna talk." Sabine said.

"Yeah sure fine." Marinette said

"Marinette, Adrien told us." Sabine told Marinette

"H-he did?" Marinette asked

"Yes, and it's okay, everything is going to be okay." Sabine said.

"So your not mad?" Marinette asked

"Well I definitely wished you had waited till you were older, but if you want this then all I can say is, go for it." Sabine said.

"I'M GONNA BE A GRANDPA" Tom yelled all muffled.

Marinette and Sabine looked at each other and laughed.

"I think papa is happy." Marinette said with a chuckle.

"I think so to, now I will schedule a doctors appointment before you start school okay." Sabine mentioned

"Thanks mom." Marinette said and hugged her.

Everything will work out just fine.
That was part 2 I hope you liked it now tell me what do you think the gender is and how will Alya and Nino react? (BTW I have already picked the gender but I'm not telling you until later)

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