Part 3: The Appointment

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It's been a few days since Mari and Adrien learned they were having a baby and told Tom and Sabine. They also sent a letter to Adrien's father in prison to tell him the news. However today was the day of the first of many doctors appointments.

Adrien, Marinette, and Sabine arrived at the doctor's office and they filled out the paperwork and were called back. They got all the normal stuff for a normal checkup done before the doctor came in. The doctor came in and she was very respectful and checked Marinette and the pregnancy was officially confirmed. The doctor explained that she was most likely about 5 weeks along and that the baby would be due sometime in April of the next year. She explained that Marinette had to careful about what to eat to not harm the baby. Overall everything was good and so far they don't have anything to worry about. The doctor prescribed so prenatal pills, and medicine for the morning sickness whenever she feels sick.

They got home and Marinette went to her room and lied on her bed. Moments later Adrien came up and got in bed next to her.

"Adrien, are we gonna tell Nino and Alya?" Marinette asked

"Why do you ask?" Adrien asked with confusion

"Well we've known for a few days now and I just want to get it out in the open." Marinette said.

"I see your point, but I think it's best if we wait a little bit before we start telling everyone so we don't put stress on the baby." Adrien said.

"Maybe your right *yawns* I love you Adrien." Marinette said tiredly.

"I love you too M'lady." Adrien said, kissing her forehead, and shutting his eyes.

They fell asleep in each other's arms and enjoyed their embrace.
Okay this is too cute like seriously.

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