Part 7: An Ultrasound

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It's been about a month since Marinette found she was pregnant and it was time to go back to the doctor and have the first ultrasound and hear the baby's heartbeat.

Marinette went with Adrien, Alya, and her mother Sabine. She was called back to go threw the normal stuff they did the first time around. Soon the technician came in to start the ultrasound.

"Good afternoon, who's ready to look at a baby?" The technician said

"Yes I wanna see my baby!" Marinette said with enthusiasm.

"You look a little young, how old are you if don't mind me asking?" The technician asked.

"I'm actually 16." Marinette said.

"Oh okay then." The technician said and put the gel on her stomach and started the Ultrasound.

Moments later the picture popped up on the screen and the little blob inside Marinette was visible and they heard the heartbeat (BTW I'm not sure how far along you have to be to listen to the heartbeat or can actually see the baby on the ultrasound so if it is off don't attack me.) Both Adrien and Marinette started tearing up listening to the sweet heartbeat coming from inside Marinette.

"So do you guys want a picture?" The technician asked.

"Yes we do." Adrien said.

"Okay give me one second." The technician said and snapped the picture.

"Do want a digital or a hard copy?" He asked.

"Can we get both?" Adrien asked.

"Of course." The technician replied and went to go print off a hard copy.

A few minutes later he came back with the picture and Marinette looked at it for a minute and put it in her purse. Then the technician went on and said that everything looked good and that developing nicely.

They left the office and dropped Alya off at her house and went back to the bakery and showed Tom the picture. Marinette and Adrien proceeded to go back to their room and had a conversation about when they should announce the pregnancy. They got to their room and sat on the chaise.

"So Adrien when should we tell everyone about the baby?" Marinette asked her boyfriend.

"Can I be honest? I want to tell everyone now." Adrien said.

"Well maybe on Monday we can make the announcement to our class." Marinette said.

"I would like that a lot." Adrien said leaning in to kiss Marinette.

"I love you Bugaboo." Adrien said.

"I love you too Kitty." Marinette said.
That was part 7 I hope you liked make sure to add this to your library so you can see how their classmates will react to the news. See you guys next time bye.

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