Chapter 17: Wedding

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Marinette and Adrien have officially graduated from high school and got engaged around Christmas time. Now it's summer and they are about to get married.

Marinette is getting ready with her maid of honor (Alya), bridesmaids (Myléne, Alix, Juleka, Rose, Kagami), Sabine, and of course the flower girl 2 year old Emma. She has been waiting for this day ever since she fell in love with Adrien on those steps. And it's a lot more special because she is celebrating today with her and Adrien's daughter.

Today Marinette and Adrien did finish high school and got an apartment together. They will soon revamp the "Gabriel Agreste" brand and turn it into just the "Agreste" brand with Marinette as head fashion designer and Adrien doing all the business stuff. They put Emma in Dance classes and they soon learned that she is a natural performer then they put her in vocal lessons and found that she loved that to.

Meanwhile with Adrien, he was getting ready with his best man (Nino), his groomsmen (Ivan, Kim, Luka, Nathaniel, Marc), and Tom. They were doing what guys normally did and goofed around while still getting ready. Adrien was super nervous because he was marrying his best friend, mother of his child, and partner. Though they had gone through their ups and downs even having a child at the age of 16 and getting married right out of high school. He also had something else to be nervous about...

The time had come for Adrien to see his daughter in her adorable flower girl dress. She wore a soft pink dress with a satin ribbon around the waist and a flower crown. He picked her up and spun her around and kissed her cheek and told how pretty she was and how she was prettiest flower girl their ever was. Soon after it was time for the ceremony to start. They went through the normal routine for the procession even with little Emma being pulled in a wagon by Manon who was like 8 or 9 years old. Finally Marinette got to walk down the aisle with her father.

The wedding march starts and Marinette walks down the aisle. Tom passes her off to Adrien and starts the ceremony.

Skip to end of ceremony

"... you may now kiss the bride!" The officiant exclaimed. Adrien did not hesitate to kiss his wife and they grabbed their daughter.

"May I introduce for the first time ever Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Agreste!" The officiant exclaimed and Marinette and Adrien ran down the aisle with Emma and headed to the reception.

They all made their way to the Grand Paris Hotel for the reception party and dinner. Everyone was introduced for the grand entrance and Marinette and Adrien made the rounds saying hi to everyone before digging into the meals provided. Soon after everyone was served it was time for the toast. First to make a toast was the best man Nino.

"First of all I just wanna say, you're my man Adrien and you can always count on me. And now you have Marinette who is gonna be by your side everyday for the rest of your life. Ever since you guys had Emma their has been this new found joy in Adrien that I have never seen before and it is awesome. So a toast to Adrien and Marinette the best couple and the best parents!"

Next was the maid of honor Alya.

"Marinette I am honored that you chose me as your maid of honor and you have been the bestest friend I have ever had. Also your daughter Emma has been such a joy to be around and I love to babysit her when you guys go out. You guys are awesome parents and yes Adrien was nervous in the beginning because he was worried he would turn into his father. However over the past two years it's very obvious that he's not gonna be, which we all can appreciate. So a toast to our bride and groom and their adorable daughter!"

After a few more speeches Adrien took the mic and said something.

"Thank you guys so much for coming to mine and Marinette's wedding. We are so thrilled to be in this part of our lives. And we have already achieved a big milestone that we thought would happen after this, but we wouldn't change how things went because obviously everything turned out the way it's supposed to be. And speaking of that Marinette and I have some news. Just a few weeks ago we found that Marinette is pregnant with twins!"

After that everyone started cheering and screaming with joy that they were having more children even though they're only 18 or 19.

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