Part 13: Where has Ladybug Been

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It is now February and is about 7 months in and rumors of Ladybug's where about's have really got the city of Paris worried. People have been thinking that Ladybug had gone away and is never coming back.

Finally Marinette and Adrien approach Alya and told her that they want her to put something on the Ladyblog about the pregnancy. Alya was excited to finally put this news on the Ladyblog and asked if they wanted like and video or a photo to make the announcement. They said a video would be best.

They set up a part of Marinette and Adrien room with a white with lights and a camera to record everything. Finally it was time to record.

"Hey what's up Paris so I some exciting news to share and it will explain where Ladybug has been and why she gone away. But don't worry she will come back eventually." Cat Noir said to the camera. "So Bugaboo come to the camera to show them." Gesturing for Ladybug to come in and they switched spots.

She came into the shot with her pregnant belly. "I am pregnant with a little girl due this coming April." Ladybug said with a joy. "So don't worry people of Paris I am taking time off so I can focus on taking care of my body and then when the baby is born I will take some more time off to take care of her. So please don't worry about me I will be fine and I will return to protect Paris when the time is right. And just to make sure we are on the same page I am pregnant with Cat Noir's baby." Ladybug said and walked out of the shot and Cat Noir gave her a peck walked back in. "So that was our announcement I will still be around along with Rena Rouge and Carapace. And when the baby is born we hopefully will put an announcement up to let you know if Ladybug agrees. Until next time." And recording stops.

Alya takes the footage and edits it and puts it on the Ladyblog. The result were mixed but mostly were excited for the fact that their most beloved hero were taking on something bigger then fighting some Akuma. Some of the comments even said that the baby was going to be the next Ladybug. So overall the city was excited for the baby and were relieved that nothing bad had happened to Ladybug.
I hope you guys liked that I was kinda hesitant about having them announce the pregnancy in their miraculous forms but I hope you liked it anyway.

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