Part 9: Morning Sickness

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Marinette is coming to the end of her first trimester of pregnancy and has had severe morning sickness. Pretty much everyday in the morning she would run to her bathroom and throw up a lot. There were even a few times she would miss school and her boyfriend Adrien would bring her the notes and homework.

Although she loved the fact that she was going to be a mother, she did not like the fact that she had to go through this much morning sickness. She soon got online and looked up ways to ease morning sickness. Sadly she couldn't find anything that could help her.

Her mother did tell her that she had severe morning sickness when she was pregnant with her and told her that it will eventually go away by the time her second trimester comes along.

Adrien gets very upset to see the love of his life leaning over a toilet all because he had gotten her pregnant and he couldn't help but blame himself for allowing this to happen. However Marinette keeps on reassuring him that it was both of them, all because they both decided to try it out without any knowledge of how to protect themselves. But they wouldn't change a thing and will be happy together when their precious son or daughter finally is here.

"You okay Marinette?" Adrien asked.

"I have morning sickness what do you think?" Marinette said.

"Well the first trimester is almost over so you won't have to go through morning sickness anymore." Adrien said, but Marinette shot him a look.

"I just hope I'm one of those mother's who has it in the second trimester." Marinette said.

"I sure hope not." Adrien said. "But if you are we will get through it together."

"I would kiss you if I wasn't just throwing up." Marinette said.

"Aww man." Adrien said and Marinette laughed.

Finally she stopped throwing up and she went back to bed to get some rest.

Well there was Marinette's morning sickness for you. I will see you next time bye.

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