Part 11: Gender Reveal/The Name

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Today was the big day the 20 week ultrasound to find out what kind of baby Marinette was having. They had gotten up eaten breakfast and soon Marinette, Adrien, Sabine, and Tom went over to the doctor office to find out the gender. Marinette and Adrien has agreed to find out with a gender reveal cake that they will cut for their entire class.

Marinette was called back and doctor had asked if they wanted to know now or have it written down. They said to write it down.

The appointment goes well and the doctor wrote down the gender and gave it to Tom who will make the proper cake.

It was now Monday and Tom and Sabine were gonna come by later that day with the cake to reveal the gender. Finally after a long day of waiting Tom and Sabine came over to the school and they could reveal the gender.

But before they could cut the cake they had to ask what everyone thought it was. For example Rose, Juleka, and Myléne said girl, while Alix, Kim, and Ivan said boy. But overall mostly everyone was on team girl even Chloé, who has actually accepted the fact that Adrien was going to be a dad.

Now the time had come to reveal the gender. Marinette took the knife and started to cut the cake. Everyone is on the edge of there seat while Alya was recording it all on her phone. Marinette cut the cake and lifted it up to reveal...

It's a girl.

The whole class scream and Sabine gave Marinette the envelope to confirm and she confirmed it was a girl. Everyone was excited and started suggesting names like Felicity, Hannah, Diana, Grace, Jessica, and more. However Marinette already had a name in mind (take a guess) though they have not started discussing names because they wanted to wait until they knew the gender.

When they got home Marinette and Adrien were excited by the news that they were having a little girl and Marinette was ready to discuss a names for the baby. In fact Adrien actually had a middle name in mind.

"Hay Marinette since we're having a girl. I have an idea for the middle name." Adrien said.

"Really let's here it!" Marinette said with enthusiasm.

"How about Renée for her middle name?" Adrien asked. "It was my mother's middle name." (I don't actually know if that was her middle name so just go with it.)

Marinette smiled and looked at him and was finally going to tell him what she wanted the first name to be.

"How about Emma Renée Agreste?" Marinette said.

"Are you serious?... I love it! That is a beautiful name!" Adrien exclaimed.

"So I guess we have a name picked out?" Marinette asked with a smile.

"Of course." Adrien said.

Marinette and Adrien eventually went downstairs for dinner and told Tom and Sabine the name of their future granddaughter. The were absolutely delighted with the name and couldn't wait to the little bug (get it).
So that was part 11... ITS A GIRL
Maybe she get the Ladybug miraculous when she's old enough? Comment and let me know.

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