Part 16: Delivery/Homecoming

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The doctor came in and checked and she is at a 10 and ready to push. They started to break the bed down and told her to push...

With Adrien on one side of the bed and Sabine on the other with also a nurse filming the birth and the kwami's hiding in a bag and watch the whole thing (I haven't forgotten about them). Marinette started to push and was feeling everything.

She kept pushing and pushing for about 30 minutes until...

April 24 12:13pm
"The head is out." The doctor said. "Come Marinette she's almost here."

And with one final push. At 12:14pm on April 24th Emma Renée Agreste was born.

They placed her on Marinette's chest and both Marinette and Emma were crying and they got to do skin to skin (after cleaning her off).

Adrien kneeling down beside the bed seeing his girlfriend hold his newborn daughter. Just then Emma opened her eyes and saw that she had Adrien's emerald green eyes, they were gorgeous, she was gorgeous. She also had a full head of hair and was the same color as Marinette's.

They soon messaged everyone telling them the news that Marinette had just given birth and over the span of the next several hours their classmates came in to meet Baby Emma. The one best reaction actually came from Chloé.

"Hey guys." Chloé said coming into the room with Sabrina following behind. "So where's the baby."

Emma was in Adrien's arms in the recliner next to Marinette.

"Chloé she's right here." Adrien said getting up to show Chloé.

"She is so precious I just wanna squeeze her." Chloé said taking Emma into her arms. "You guys are going to great together."

They stayed in the hospital for 2 more days before they could finally take Emma home. Sabine drove to the exit where Adrien was waiting to put all their belongings in. He got their stuff in and climbed into the front seat. They soon wheeled out Marinette and Emma and they got into the car and went home for the first time.

When they got home they saw that the living room was decorated with balloons and a banner that says "Welcome Home Emma!" And also Alya and Nino were there to welcome them back.

"Welcome back guys!" Nino exclaimed

"Thanks, you guys did all this for us?" Marinette asked.

"Of course why wouldn't we?" Alya replied.

"You guys are the best." Adrien said.

Soon Alya and Nino left and ate dinner as a family. Soon Marinette rocked Emma to sleep in her cradle for the first time.

"I can't believe she's finally here in our lives." Marinette whispered beside her cradle.

"I know." Adrien replied kissing the side of her head.

They took a moment and watch their daughter sleeping soundly in her bed and soon they went to bed excited for the journey of parenthood. With spit up's, poop, and other stuff.
That was the final chapter of the story I will be writing a few epilogues for this story so stay tuned for that. Until then bye.

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