Part 14: Almost There

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One month to-go before Marinette can meet her baby. Her and Adrien have been going baby shopping at least once a week. They have started setting up a nursery in their room so if needed they can easily get to her.

And with Marinette is getting more and more impatient till her due date in Late April. Marinette is eating all the time and is not doing a lot of work in the bakery like she used to so she doesn't put stress on Emma.

The Ladyblog has blown up with the news of pregnancy and though Paris is sad that Ladybug won't be back in a while they are excited because they will possibly get a new Ladybug in the years to come.

In school Marinette has gotten a lot more attention from her classmates and other students in the school. For example the really mean girls will talk behind Marinette's back and say really mean stuff, but luckily it doesn't effect her at all. However for the most part everyone is happy for her and Adrien even if the girls are jealous.

They have also received letters from Gabriel about the pregnancy and he not happy about it. He's been saying how much of a disappointment Adrien is to the Agreste name and that he's not gonna get anywhere in life because of it.  And yes reading that definitely hurt him a lot because that is his father, but he is no longer in his life nor was he welcome to be anymore.

Now that Emma's ear's have developed Marinette has actually started talking and singing to her almost everyday. Adrien see's this and he smiles and has even joined in a several occasions so she can hear her father's voice.

"Emma it's your momma I can't wait till I get to hold you in my arms for the first time. You're gonna have a great life with you, me, and your daddy." Marinette said to her stomach and stroking it. Just then Adrien walked in and saw her and sat beside her cuddling next to her.

"Emma it's Daddy I bet your gonna be just as beautiful as your mother and I hope you'll be my little girl life. I want you out so I can squeeze you, kiss you, and spoil you rotten." Adrien said to Emma and hold Marinette's belly.

Marinette couldn't help but smile at her boyfriend whom she loved so much. She knew that despite their ages they were going to be great parents.
That was part 14 this story is almost over and I really hope you like it. Until next time... BYE!!!!

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