Part 15: Labor

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April 23rd 5:19pm
Marinette's contractions have started and has one more week till her due date. She was walking back up to her room when it happened.

"GUYS!!!!... I THINK MY WATER BROKE!!!" Marinette shouted. Adrien came rushing over to help her get downstairs. Her parents were in the bakery doing some work when Adrien came running telling them they need to get Marinette to the hospital.

Sabine quickly got the car started shoved Marinette into car and drove her and Adrien down to the hospital. She dropped them off at the OBG/YN entrance so she could park the car. Adrien told them that they think her water had broken and Marinette was taken back and was put in a room where she will give birth. (BTW Adrien was allowed to go back with her.)

April 23rd 7:45pm
Marinette had been checked to see if she dilated and she was about 2 centimeters dilated. Since there was no going back now Adrien messaged Alya and Nino to tell them that Marinette is in labor.

Alya and Nino quickly came to the hospital and was able to go to the room to see Marinette hooked up to machines to track her progress and contractions.

"Hey girl how are you feeling?" Alya asked.

"I'm in labor" Marinette said.

"Fair enough. Well how long have you been in labor?" Alya asked.

"Little over 2 hours. And I'm at 2 centimeters dilated." Marinette answered.

"Just out of curiosity are you wanting an all natural birth?" Nino asked.

"Yes it is because I really don't want a large needle in my back." Marinette answered.

"But if she doesn't want to feel the contractions..." Adrien started.

"I can handle it remember who I am." Marinette said.

"True." Adrien, Alya, and Nino said at the same time.

April 23rd 10:04pm
Marinette has been making really good progress with labor and is now at 4 centimeters. The doctors asked if she wanted any epidural, and she said no. That very much shocked the doctors because whenever they have a teenager giving birth they usually say yes. So they commended her for being brave enough to go through the pain of labor.

April 24th 12:18am
The doctors have been telling Marinette to try and get some sleep and they will check on her sometime between 2 and 3 am. However with the pain from the contractions and the excitement that Emma is almost here all she could do was watch movies on her phone. Sleeping was the last thing on her mind.

April 24th 2:45am
The doctor came in and check how far she is into labor. They said she was at a 6 and that she will give birth sometime in the middle of the day. Marinette and Adrien were thrilled by the news that they were most likely going to meet their baby girl today. With that news Marinette was finally able to get some sleep in.

April 24th 8:01am
The doctor came back in and said that Marinette has made it to 8 centimeters and maybe be able to start pushing in about 2 or 3 hours at the rate she's going. Though her contractions were rough and she was close to asking for the epidural she persevered through the pain. A true Ladybug move.

April 24th 11:38am
One final check is Marinette's body ready to start pushing it's time to find out.

The doctor came in and checked and she is at a 10 and ready to push. They started to break the bad down and told her to push...
This is the longest chapter thus far and you will have to wait until next time to see how the delivery will go down. Until next time BYE!!!

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