Part 10: Cravings

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The first trimester is over and Marinette's morning sickness is finally going away. And now she is craving stuff she never thought she would ever eat. She has started craving seafood like salmon and shrimp. And believe it or not she's craving camembert cheese. And it drives Adrien up a wall knowing that his Kwami and his girlfriend is eating the rotten cheese so he's been ordering a lot more of it. But she is still eating a lot of baked goods like cookies, cupcakes, and macaroons.

However because of her pregnancy she is also staying away from some food. Like for example she ate strawberries and blueberries all the time now she can't eat them without wanting to puke. This took Adrien and her parents by surprise because she used to eat them all the time.

She has also been craving Thai food and with that her spicy tolerance has gone up by a lot. Now whenever she and Adrien go and get Thai food she always get the super spicy Thai noodles and splits it with Adrien. She doesn't taste the spice as much but Adrien feels like he licked the sun and Marinette laughs every time.

"Why do you crave spicy Thai noodles?" Adrien asked.

"I don't know blame the baby." Marinette said with Thai noodles in her mouth. "You know you don't have to eat my cravings right? Especially since I'm starting to crave Camembert."

"Yeah I know, I just wanna be supportive and I don't want to be on the receiving end of your hormones." Adrien said

"So your just complying with what I eat so you won't upset me?" Marinette asked.

"Exactly, because I love you." Adrien said taking her hand.

"I love you too Kitty, but you don't have eat all my cravings especially the Camembert." Marinette said.

"Don't worry you won't have to worry about me eating your cheese." Adrien said with a chuckle, then leaning in to kiss his girlfriend.

That was part 10 tune in next time to find out the gender of the baby. BYE!!!!

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