the end of all things

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the end of all things- panic! at the disco

whether near or far
i am always yours

david walks the streets of chicago alone, his mind clear, for once. his puffy winter coat surrounds his upper body, although it is not doing its job. the hoodie underneath isn't doing justice, either. the cold air stabs at his face, his nose red and sniffly. the beanie on his head gives him an egg- like look, but it's keeping his melon warm.

as he strolls the sidewalk, he comes upon a coffee shop. the fire place next to a rustic- looking bookshelf gives it a warm and cozy feeling. he decides to enter, wanting a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows. the warm air hits him, along with the smell of fresh coffee and baked goods. the best thing on a cold day.

david orders his hot chocolate, carefully sipping as he searches for a place to sit. he finds an empty table, plopping himself in the chair. he pulls out his cell phone, checks for any important notifications, and sets it on the table. he slurps his drink generously, before remembering he forgot to text his lovely girlfriend this morning. he unlocks his phone, texting his favourite person.

hope you have a
wonderful day.
i love you and i'll
be home soon :)

thank you baby. i love
and miss you :(

the sad face made david miss her more than he did, if it's possible. he'll be home in two days, but it will be a long two days.

his phone is put back on the table. he picks up his hot chocolate again, taking a bigger sip as it has cooled down quite a bit. as he sets the paper cup down, the chair in front of him is filled. a blonde plops herself down. her looks give off the "popular bitch who intimidates everyone" vibe. david's face contorts in confusion.

"uh, hello. can i help you with something?"

the girl smirks flirtatiously.

"maybe i can help you. i saw a cute guy sitting alone in a coffee shop. he looks like he needs company, so i took the chance."

her fingers trail david's hand. he pulls it away quickly.

"can i help you with something or are you just going to flirt with me?"

she looks him up and down. her eyes flick to his lips, thinking he'll notice and she'll get something out of him.

"maybe you can help me with something. you see, i have no man in my life right now, and you seem like the perfect guy to fill that spot."

the desperate girl coquettishly bats her eyes. david is not buying this act.

"uh, no. i have a girlfriend."

"where is she? i don't see her."

a sly smirk grew on her lips. she knows what she is doing, but it isn't working.

"she's not here. and no, that is not perfect for you because even though she is not here, i'm still her boyfriend."
david gives her a sneaky smile, proud that he told her off. he stands with trash in his hand, leaving the girl alone and dumbfounded.

any change in time
we are young again

"david, it's my fortieth birthday. i feel so old."

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