Bluebloods' Prejudice Towards Denim

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Sanya didn't even talk to the intercom this time, she simply pushed on the Gate- which surprisingly swung open at her force.

The Pevensie family really should lock their gates.

"Ms. Reza, a pleasure to see you again." Mr. Turner spoke, just as a new fear cropped up in the young woman's mind.

What if she was thrown out of England?

A silly thought, she would reflect later, but it was rather unnerving right then.

"Do wait here, ma'am." The Butler stopped in front of an ornately carved doorway, which looked like it could contain Sanya's entire apartment.

She had no wish at all to go in, so she obeyed and stood there- till a minute later when Mr. Turner came out again and informed her that the Kings and Queens requested her presence inside.

"Miss Sanya Reza?" The blond male- Peter- spoke as she headed towards the four, elegantly carved armchairs where the Monarchs were sitting.

Avoiding looking at anyone else, she nodded.

"How OLD are you?" Susan asked, analysing the girl's features and realising that she must be fresh out of University.

"22." She replied, swallowing. Would they get to the point already?

"And already a journalist at the Sun?" Edmund spoke, eyebrow raised at the quiet woman. "Quite impressive."

She was about to say how it was supposed to be an unpaid internship, but someone had died and they needed help and she was the most qualified, so they hired her- that it was nothing impressive and nothing to say in that tone- but she didn't. Instead, she said, again not looking at anyone, "Why did your Majesties call me to the Palace again?"

"The matter of the interview you had with our Head Chef." Lucy valiantly broached the topic. "The published article wasn't very flattering."

"Or at all flattering-" Peter started to say when the redhead Chef walked in and he was silenced as she shouted, not quite noticing the Monarchs in the chairs.

"You seemed half decent! But you turned out to be just a BITCH! I WAS HONEST WITH YOU-"

Sanya's fraying nerves snapped. "I DIDN'T EVEN WRITE IT! DON'T BLOW UP AT ME!"

Edmund opened his mouth to speak, but Lilith started shouting again.


"WELL, THOSE BLOODY ARSES DECIDED A 'NEWBIE' WASN'T QUALIFIED ENOUGH TO-" The journalist stopped abruptly, realising how indecorous and how stupid they both were being. What was the point of shouting?

It was as Sanya stopped arguing that Lilith noticed the four taken aback and slightly amused Pevensies and she felt deep mortification.

Curtseying, she said, "I apologise, your Majes-"

"They didn't let you write your article?" Edmund cut her off before Peter could say it was alright.

Sanya shook her head, unsure if it was her the young King was addressing. "No, they didn't."

"Even though it was you who travelled here and you who conducted the interview? Just because you're a new addition to the staff?" He asked, mentally bristling at the injustice of it all.

"That's right." The Indian nodded and decided to elaborate, even if it meant selling out her boss. "Apparently Mr. Hogworth- my boss- had second thoughts on putting a 'newbie' on such a big article."

"You'd have written better than whatever trash this is, I'm sure." Susan gestured to the newspaper.

"Is it out already?" She asked, not having had the change to peruse the newspaper that day. "Your Majesty?"

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