One Royal Wedding At A Time, Jeez

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"The lighting is stunning." Caspian spoke as they entered the venue, Susan nodding in agreement at his arm.

"Never fails to take my breath."

"They're only lights, Su." Her eldest brother spoke, amused.

"It's just so BIG." Lucy spoke, eyes wide as she looked around her- not that she hadn't been there before but- still!

"That's what she sai-"

"Edmund!" Susan snapped sharply, Lucy scowling and Peter by her side, simply rolling his eyes.

But Sanya failed to hide her laugh.

"At least someone appreciates my comedy." Edmund claimed, mock-affronted at his siblings' reactions.

"But 'she', you meant your baby sister, so-"

"I'm not a baby!" Lucy cried, exasperated at the High King.

"To be fair, you are like only a year younger than me." Sanya backed the young Queen up, whose eyes widened.

"Exactly! See! Oh- you lot are the worst." Lucy decided, looking around her with a scowl before- "Oh! Lady Clearings! I haven't seen her in ages!"

Edmund made a face at his sister's retreating back, "I suppose that means WE'RE going to have to socialise, too?"

"Yes." Susan told him pointedly, "As King of England, you ARE supposed to speak to people. And no disappearing again, you two." She added, looking accusingly between the brunet King and his wife-to-be.

"We wouldn't dream of it." Sanya spoke- which was true- she hadn't spotted any back doors, as of yet. But then again, it was pretty dim and there WERE lots of people.

"I'd happily dream of it..."

Caspian guided his girlfriend away before she could slap her brother.

"Yeah- I'm not about to stand here and third wheel." Peter decided, looking round him and pointedly thinking of anything but how if it hadn't have been for a singly escaped, revengeful rebel, he wouldn't have to be third wheeling. "I think- yes! That's Lu. Try to make it look like you two WANT to be here." The blond called over his shoulder, already set towards his youngest sister, vanishing into the crowd.

"You know I don't NEED a chaperone, Peter." Lucy thought she should have stayed back at Cair with Rheia rather than coming out and being shadowed by her brother every step she took in the club.

"I'm not being a chaperone! I just-" don't want to roam around alone because that would mean people coming up to talk "want to- 'chill' with my little sister."

The youngest Queen looked at Peter, whose face was unconvincingly sincere and obviously lonely. "Fine, I suppose. Look- there are darts! Let's play!"

"Darts? In a place like this?" The blond asked, frowning, but allowed his sister to drag him away.

"You cheated!"

"I did not!" Lucy laughed as she pulled the dart out from the centre of the board. "I just have good aim."

Peter, whose own darts had barely even managed to strike the board, narrowed his eyes. "Maybe we should have a contest between you and Su."

"Su'll win, definitely." The brunette said at once, not even considering the possibility of she trumping her sister. "You're welcome to find her, though."

"And accidentally walk in on Caspian and she? Pass." He shook his head before asking, "Drinks?"

"You'll let me have them?"

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