Holding Back

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I am sorry I have not uploaded anything recently since I was busy with work. But I couldn't resist sharing this book with you people, so here it comes.

Name: Holding Back

Author: Joymoment

Genre: romance/Highschool

Status: completed

Hooking her fingers around her backpack straps, she walked away from Jace. She had barely gone a few steps before he was at her side again.

"What makes you believe we don't live in the same world?" he asked. "As far as I can tell, we do."

"No, we don't. I'm...me and you're Jace Cortez.The dream of every girl. The friend to every guy. The star of the school. Girls. Sports. You're the ultimate player."

"It sounds like you have a preconceived notion of who I am."

 "And it's one that has yet to be proven wrong."

From books and a lifetime of sitting on the sidelines, Haley is convinced she knows how the world works, specifically high school. Everyone has a label and a box they fit in. This knowledge, paired with parents who are fighting, a brother leaving soon for college and a best friend who moved away has made her decide to never get involved. It will take being forced to work with her fellow juniors on a project, a boy next door - with a infectious smile, a star gazer with an adorable puppy, and an unlikely pair of fangirls to make her see how truly wrong she was about everything.

My option:

Don't have a "preconceived notion" that this is another one of those cliche books that you have read so many times on wattpad just by reading the synopsis. 

Nope Nada. 

You will be proven wrong! (look what I did there!)😜

 As the famous saying goes "Never judge a book by its cover". This one was truly different and extremely realistic that it hits you on your face. It goes to show about how wrong we are about a lot of small things in life. Personally this book reaffirmed to me things I already knew yet had given up on due to unfortunate situations. No doubt this one will always remain close to my heart.


Eagerly waiting to hear your thoughts on this book.


Love you all!

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