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"And what is the use of a book, thought Alice, without pictures or conversations?"


Books were probably the one thing in Alice's life that made sense to her. It was so much easier to connect with each character than the people around her. As she read, Alice sang, and the forest came to life with each resounding note.

Alice closed her book, wandering aimlessly through the woods that seperated Dinah City from the Wild Wonderland. Little white butterflies floated around her, almost dancing to her methodical singing. She reached out to touch one, but it seemed the fade away.


Alice stumbled on a tree root, falling forward onto her hands and knees. The white butterflies vanished as she stopped singing.

"Crap." She muttered, standing up to dust herself off. She paused. The bush in front of her had a faint light emanating from between it's leaves. She stood up, parting the branches to reveal...

"Alice!" Her head whipped around? The branches snapping back into place as she clutched her book to her chest.

It was Lorina, her sister, looking absolutely rumpled. "Alice, you know you can't go this close to the border."

Alice rolled her eyes. "We're Wild Wonder, you know that, right?"

Wild Wonder. It was a word that meant the Liddells were not originally from Dinah City, but from the world outside. The lawless chaos of Wonderland's pulsing magic left to fend for itself.

"Just because Wonderland can't hurt us, doesn't mean we should disobey the rules." Lori scolded.

"Right." Alice replied distantly. She was too focused on trying to peer behind the bush.

"Whatever," Lori sighed. Her curls framed her face in a way that reminded Alice of a lion's mane. Of course, her twin sister's personality was so different from hers. "Mali is here to take you to the festival. You should make sure to say goodbye to Mom."

Alice nodded. "Of course. I'll be right there."

"No, we're gonna be late Alice. We need to leave now."

Alice let Lori lead her back toward their quaint little home, and through the backyard. Their mother was in the kitchen, doing the dishes. Mali sat at the table, awaiting the sisters' arrival.

"Alice! You're back!" Mali sat up excitedly, pushing her circular glasses up her face. Mali was a quite peculiar girl, and Alice had a feeling that she would end up as a Spade. That was where they both grew up, after all.

"I suppose you three have to leave?" Ms Liddell turned and asked, her eyebrows creasing. Alice could see a wet sheen in her eyes.

All three of them rushed up two Ms Liddell, wrapping their arms around her in a tight hug. Even Mali, an orphan, was like a daughter to her. "I wish you all the best of luck." Promptly, Ms Liddell gave them all a peck on the cheek.

Ms Liddell was an odd-looking woman. Most Wild Wonders were, of course. Ms Liddell was freakishly tall, her head barely below most door-frames. In addition, deer's antlers poked from her forehead. This was genetic, of course. While Lorina had not gotten hers yet, Alice had little red stumps that poked out of her hair.

Alice waved goodbye and had one last look at the only home she had ever known. There was a high chance she would never see this place again. A sad smile touched her lips.

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