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"Alice! A childish story take,
And, with gentle hand,
Lay it where Childhood's dreams are twined
In Memory's mystic band,
Like pilgrim's wither'd wreath of flowers
Pluck'd in a far-off land."


Princess Valentina Hart was not known for her politeness. In fact, it seemed to have gotten her into trouble once again.

"Valentina, dearie." The Queen of Hearts began. "You cannot keep treating the men who interact with you with so much disrespect."

Valentina rolled her eyes. "Mom, he wouldn't stop flirting with me and I didn't like it. So I cussed him out, big deal."

The Queen of Hearts sighed. "Just because you are betrothed does not mark you as married. My cards, girl."

"That's not the point, Mom. The point is that he was making me uncomfortable. Jacks, you're hard to deal with."

The Queen of Hearts fumed. "Listen to me, young woman. Every time I catch word about your bad mouth and disrespect, I move your marriage date a little bit closer. It'll be legal in a few months, my dear."

Valentina's mouth opened and closed. Julius. It was always about her future husband. She couldn't have found somebody my age with a good personality? "I understand, mother. It's almost time for the ceremony."

"Of course. Julius will be waiting outside of the castle gates in five minutes. Remember to be pleasant, darling. You wouldn't want to lose this political alliance, now would you?"

"Of course not." Valentina whispered. She left the room, and quickly made her way to the gates. Julius was already waiting.

"Tina, babe..." He greeted, holding his arms out for a hug. The look on his face was sly, at least in her eyes.

"Julius." She greeted through gritted teeth. He stepped in front of her, insisting on the hug. "If you know what's good for you, you'll get your jack in the car." She snapped. Julius complied, mostly because he had the backbone of a worm.


Thousands of people were gathered in a huge circle around a pedestal in an arena-like space. Valentina found it incredibly odd to see her mother standing at the podium. This year, she was the leader chosen to be in charge of Candle Day. No wonder everything was a mess of chaos.

Every year, they gave the same speech. Valentina closed her eyes, trying to tune everything out. She pretended that she was in the castle library, picking out a new book. In reality, usually her mother would nag her for "acting too much like a Diamond." In this reality, Valentina was the only person in all of the Heart Sector.

No Julius, no Queen of Hearts, no tutors or bullies like Rose and Peony. Maybe her brother, Eros, could stay. He wasn't too annoying, and he understood her a little.

"Now, Wonders, close your eyes as the candle's light." Her mother was announcing. Valentina's eyelids fluttered open briefly before she closed them tightly again.

The whole room grew warm. The candles were lit.

Valentina cracked open one eyelid. A red light flared from her candle when she glanced down. She cringed. No, I had hoped so dearly to get anything... anything but Heart. She felt her stomach do a flip-flop.

Out of curiosity, she glanced at the person to her left. Their hair went from a dark brown to a deep violet in only a bare instant. Their eyes reflected a dark pink, same as their candle. A spade.

Valentina's eyes flickered to the girl standing at her right. Odd, she was shaking. And then she saw it, the white light coming from her candle, the way her dark, curly hair was transforming from brown to gray to white... her silver eyes as she looked to Valentina in horror.

"You're an Ace!"

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