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There had been a lot of change over the past few months. Lori went out nearly every night on missions for what Lucy called the Anti Council. Lori still had no idea who Lucy reported to, she just knew the details of what their plot was to dethrone the Knave Council and the High Council. Lucy had promised Alice and Mali would not get hurt, and that was all she needed.

Lori knew that Dinah City was meant to be a utopia. But it was not. Sorting people into groups with prejudices was never going to be just or fair. Lori was proud of being a part of change.

This next mission, however, she didn't know how to feel. It will all be worth it in the end, she told herself over and over again. She went with the other Knaves up to the rooftop. Even Jude came along, and Lori felt obligated.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, a text from Lucy. Lori smiled at their joke, and typed a quick reply. Lucy's company was so wonderful to have. It felt like Lucy understood everything about Lori, while her twin was always contradicting it.

"Who are you texting?" Mali nudged Lori playfully.

"Just a friend of mine." Lori replied, cheeks heating. She was awful at hiding her feelings, or so she wanted the other's to think.

They were gathered on the roof of the palace, somewhere they often congregated. There was a railing keeping them from falling, but it was relatively short. They leaned against it as they watched the city. Lori moved near Valentina, trying not to look suspicious. I have to do this. It's a small price to pay, really.

Lori zoned out as the conversation droned on. She felt her breathing becoming more frequent, shorter. "Lori, are you alright?" Alice questioned, concern lighting up her face.

This was her chance. Lori feigned nearly fainting, bumping against Valentina a bit too hard. In one swift movement, she was pushed over the railing.

Time slowed. Lori saw Alice's horrified expression, her raw scream. Mali's head turning as she grabbed Jude's arm in her shock. Anahita running forward. Alice's hand reaching out and grabbing Valentina's.

NO! Lori knew she had to act quickly and subtly. Alice was about to be pulled over as well. Alice's body slid over the railing, despite everybody racing toward her as quickly as they could.

Then something odd happened. Alice began to float, Valentina still dangling from her hands. Alice let out a strangled cry. What was going on?

The air around Alice and Valentina hummed with starlight. Alice is using her powers! I didn't know she had figured her wind abilities out yet! Lori thought both in pride and anger. Alice was ruining everything.

Alice heaved Valentina toward her, and they clung to each other for dear life. They levitated painfully slowly back over the railing before falling in a heap.

"Valentina, oh my cards..." She sighed, blinking away the tears in her eyes. "Are you alright?" Valentina nodded, her little pink pigtails bobbing. "I-I'm fine, just a little shaken up." Her voice wavered.

Alice turned to Lori in anger. "What was that?! You don't just push somebody off of a rooftop accidentally."

Lori's eyes widened. "I—,"

Mali defended her, though softly. "Alice, she didn't mean to. It looked like an accident to me."

Alice's eyes narrowed on Lori. She suspected something.

That's not good. Lori felt guilty that she felt no remorse, only rage that her sister had messed it up.

Alice, always trying to play the hero. Fine. If that's how it was, Lori would play the villain.

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