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Alice recalled that day nearly a year ago when she had been told she was an Ace.

"What happened to the Knaves before us?" Alice wondered, not quite wanting to know the answer. The room was silent.

"Well then," The Archmage stood up from her chair. "You should come with me, I'll show you your quarters."

That's why Alice was in the archives today. That, and the last time she hung out with Valentina, she made a promise to check the archives for a certain set of information.

Alice went directly to the laws and ordinances section. She filed through the A section until... Arranged Marriages, the folder was called.

Alice was very good at finding the information she needed. She finally found "Abolishment of Betrothals and Engagements." Her eyes scanned the page. She read:

"By law, the court of Dinah City is required to allow the abolishment of an arranged marriage, betrothal, or engagements upon the following actions.
A member of the arrangement has been engaged or to be married to a person outside of the arrangement.
A member of the arrangement is closely related to another.
The parent or legal guardian of either arrangement does not consent.
A member of the arrangement is in an infinite relationship with somebody outside of the arrangement."

Alice grimaced at the page. These were difficult to accomplish. Still, she took a picture of the document with her phone and then went to an older section of the archives. Many Diamonds worked there, and one lead Alice toward a section about the Knave Council.

Alice quickly picked up the Abridged History. She knew for a fact that there had been a group of two or three Knaves not many years ago. What had happened to them?

She searched and searched, clambering for some sort of information. There was nothing from the past ten years. Finally Alice left the library, resigned.

As she showered that night, Alice pondered on this lack of information. Had somebody gone through the archives? Was there something being covered up?

The silence that had echoed in that room full of people came to mind over and over again as she lie down to sleep.

There was something going on.

Fall of Wonderland!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora