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"It's no use going back to yesterday because I was a different person then."


Alice didn't mind the attention of the four rulers in Dinah City. In fact, she adored it. But there was something about their gazes that hinted at jealousy.

"You're the Ace, darling," the Archmage of Spades was saying. At least she seemed to understand Alice, knowing how she grew up in the Spade District. "Not any of the other signs."

Alice blinked. She didn't pay attention in school, but she began to remember one of her lessons. One where the teacher described somebody chosen to protect the kingdom from dangers outside of Dinah City. "Oh..." Alice whispered. "Is that why—," She began, ready to explain the light that would float around her whenever she sang.

"Do not worry about having to do this all by yourself, of course." The King of Clubs began to say, either assuming Alice's next words or dismissing them. "There are the Knaves."

Alice couldn't recall. "Knaves?"

"Are you stupid, little girl?!" The Emperor of Diamonds fumed. "Did you not pay attention at all in your little alchemist-run school?"

"Emperor!" The Queen of Hearts snapped. "Do we not want her on our side? She possesses the powers to fight against dark magic."

The Emperor sighed. "The Knaves are those chosen from each sign to help you on your quest. They will be announced tonight."

Alice nodded. "Of course." The girl who had noticed her white candle was sitting in the corner of the room, and she caught Alice's eye. This must be Princess Valentina.

She was gorgeous, of course. Her short, pink hair was pulled into little pigtails. She wore a gown of fine red silks, representing her sign. She was drumming her fingers and staring at the clock, as if waiting for this all to be over.

"Where will I be staying, then, if not with my sign?" Alice inquired.

"The Central Palace," The Queen of Hearts explained. "Along with the other Knaves. You know, there is already a Knave of Clubs."

"Ah yes!" King of Clubs smiled. "Anahita Safid is a fine soldier. She will help the other Knaves adjust."

"What happened to the Knaves before us?" Alice wondered, not quite wanting to know the answer. The room was silent.

"Well then," The Archmage stood up from her chair. "You should come with me, I'll show you your quarters."

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