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"She generally gave herself very good advice, though she seldom followed it."


Valentina woke up late, and quickly stumbled out of bed. It was nearly noon. "Oh, jacks..." She muttered, quickly getting dressed.

Lunch. Then I'll worry about everything else.
She walked up to the dining room to see that only Alice was sitting there.

"Where is everybody?" Valentina asked.

"Mali has a lesson with the Archmage of Spades, Julius is visiting family, and Anahita is at lunch with her girlfriend."

"She has a girlfriend?" Valentina questioned. "How come she didn't say anything?"

"She did." Alice said. "Just not to you."

Valentina shrugged it off. She didn't want war, though it seemed Alice did. "What's her name?"

"Absolema. I've met her, she's a bit shady but pretty nice."

Valentina smiled. "I'm happy for her. I didn't know she liked girls."

"I think she likes both men and women." Alice commented. "But I can't be too sure. She's made a couple comments."

Valentina laughed. "I wish I was free to choose who I'm with."

Alice blinked in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I've been betrothed to Julius since I was nine."

"Do you have any feelings for him?"

Valentina shook her head. "I'm not even sure if I like guys. All I know is that he's always pressuring me into, erm, things I don't want to do." She sat on the table near Alice, grabbing a sandwich.

"Dude," Alice looked at Valentina straight on. "He's an absolute jerk."

Valentina nodded. "He forced me to kiss him when we were fourteen."

Alice nodded. "That sounds like something he'd do. At least you have some time, maybe there's something you can do to talk to your mom." Alice sighed. "Arranged marriages shouldn't be legal."

Valentina nodded. "I agree. Until they aren't, though, I have to face the reality that my future husband is a douchebag."

Alice laughed. "Hey, if you ever need me to beat him up, just let me know."

Valentina smiled. "You know, I actually quite enjoy your company." She felt her cheeks warm. Wait, no. She realized. I'm not going to let myself be stupid. She'd known Alice and the group for a little over a year, she and Alice keeping up their rivalry. But now? They were at a crossroads.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, haha. Sorry, just distracted today."

"Why is that?"

"My mom is setting the wedding date tomorrow."

"Oh." Alice whispered. "Funny how this topic keeps coming up again."

Valentina shrugged. "At least I won't have to worry about the drama of falling in love."

Alice made an odd expression, and then her eyebrows twisted as if confused as to why. "Yeah," She laughed. "I guess I'm a bit distracted today as well."

Fall of Wonderland!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz