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This part will stay at the end even as the chapters are updated!

Ace: The Ace is a person in Dinah City chosen for their connection to Wonderland. They are chosen by the Candle Ceremony, or magic.
Anti Council: The group who is trying to overthrow the Knave Council system and take over Dinah City.
Candle Ceremony: This event occurs on the first day of each new year in Dinah City. It is when each eighteen year old's candle lights up to represent the color of their card sign.
Candle Day: Candle Day is the first day of each new year.
Card Sign: A card sign is the group each citizen is placed in once they turn eighteen. You grow up in whatever district your parents are from, but move to a new location if you get a sign that differs from theirs.
Club District: The section of Dinah City that people with the Club card sign live.
Cobbler's Boot: An Inn and Bar inside the Ace District. This is one of the locations that the Anti Council meets.
Council of Five: The group that founded Dinah City and established the card system.
Diamond District: The section of Dinah City that people with the Diamond card sign live.
Dinah City: The city of order established within Wonderland that keeps the chaos and disarray at bay.
Heart District: The section of Dinah City that people with the Heart card sign live.
High Ace: The first ruler of Dinah City, and the first Ace.
Knave: A Knave is chosen from each card sign, and they are meant to assist and help the Ace.
Knave Council: The Knave Council is when the group of Knaves is complete, which is not often. They are the Spade Knave, Heart Knave, Diamond Knave, Club Knave, and Ace.
Ace District: The Ace district is neutral territory between the different signs.
Queen of Hearts: The Heart card sign's role is to rule over Dinah City. In this aspect, the Queen is the one who rules over each of the districts, not just the Heart District.
Spade District: The section of Dinah City that people with the Spade card sign live.
Starlight: Starlight is the magic that Alice is able to summon.
Wild Wonder: A Wild Wonder is somebody who's ancestry comes from outside of Dinah City. Typically, Wild Wonders are touches with more magic or connection to Wonderland. Some are marked by special traits, others are not. A very common trait is horns.

Q & A
Q: How do Knaves know they are Knaves?
A: The symbol appears on their chest (right over where their heart is) the day after Candle Day.

Q: What are the powers of the Knaves?
A: The Spade Knave can cast spells without study, and heal. Their spells are limited to only being related to the magic of Wonderland. The Heart Knave can use and manipulate fire. The Diamond Knave can use and manipulate water. The Club Knave can use and manipulate nature, or Earth magic. The Ace can manipulate wind and light, as well as summon them.

Feel free to leave any questions you had while reading here!

• Alice Liddell
This name came from the name of the girl Alice in Wonderland was based off of. Sadly, Lewis Carol was actually a pedophile and often hung around young girls. Doesn't mean I still can't appreciate his content! There were a lot of pedophiles in the past... Love the sin, hate the sinner!
• Lorina Liddell
Lorina Liddell is the name of Alice's sister. Or at least, her real one. This older sister figure has been given many other names.
• Valentina Hart
Valentina's name is based around the fact that she is the Princess of Hearts and also her status as a Heart; often associated with love and romance.
• Mali Milliner
Mali's name is a traditional Thai name that starts with an M, to go with Mad. Milliner is the name of a Hatmaker. You guessed it: Mali's based on the Mad Hatter!
• Anahita Safid
Anahita is one of my favorite Iranian names. Safid is actually Farsi for white! Anahita is meant to represent the White Rabbit, with her bunny ears and all.
• Absolema Amhihan
Absolem is the name of the caterpillar in the original, I simply added an A. Amihan is a figure from Tagalog mythology who is associated with the sky.
• Luciel Sesi
Luciel is derived from Lucifer, or the name of the devil. This represents their status as an antagonist. Sesi means snow, which is meant to represent Lorina.
• Julius Sanchez
Julius' last name is just a basic Chilean name. His first name is a joke because of Julius Caesar.

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